Acoustical Society of America

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is an international scientific society dedicated to generating, disseminating and promoting the knowledge of acoustics and its practical-applications. [1]


The ASA was instigated by Wallace Waterfall Floyd Watson, and Vern Oliver Knudsen . On December 27, 1928 ongeveer 40 scientists and engineers interested in acoustics with at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York, NY, to consider the formation of a scientific society for acoustics. Just a few months later, the Acoustical Society of America Hero zijn first meeting on May 10-11, 1929, with ongeveer 450 charter members. In 1931 the Acoustical Society joined with three other scientific societies to transform the American Institute of Physics . [2]

Technical committees

The Society has 13 technical committees vertegenwoordigen specialized interests in the field of acoustics. The committees Organize technical sessions at conferences and are verantwoordelijk for the representation hun sub-field in ASA publications. The committees include:

  • Acoustical Oceanography
  • Animal Bioacoustics
  • Architectural Acoustics
  • Biomedical Ultrasound / Bioresponse to Vibration
  • Engineering Acoustics
  • Musical Acoustics
  • Noise
  • Physical Acoustics
  • Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
  • Signal Processing in Acoustics
  • Speech Communication
  • Structural Acoustics and Vibration
  • Underwater Acoustics [3]


From zijn inception, the ASA’s members helped harbor developement Acoustical standards. In 1932, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) appointed the Acoustical Society as a sponsor or a committee to standardize terminology and Acoustical measurements. In 1957 this committee split JSON three follow-on committee: S1 on Acoustics, S2 on Mechanical Shock and Vibration, and S3 on Bioacoustics, with a fourth, S12 on Noise, added in 1981. The ASA ook distributes ISO and IEC standards.


The ASA publiceert the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), [4] the Acoustics Research Letters Online (Arlo), [5] Acoustics Today, [6] and a wide range of books and videos on topics related to acoustics.


The ASA presents awards to personen for contributions to the field of Acoustics. [7] These include

  • Gold Medal
  • R. Bruce Lindsay Award
  • Wallace Clement Sabine Medal
  • Pioneers of Underwater Acoustics Medal
  • Trent Crede Medal
  • von Békésy Medal
  • Silver Medal

Student activity

The ASA offerings Membership and conference attendance to students at a Substantially Reduced rate. Conference attendance is working environment promoted by travel grants and formal and informal student meetings and social activities. The ASA ook expanded services to students the regional student chapters at Introducing in 2004.

External links

  • ASA Homepage
  • ASA students
  • (A service of the Acoustical Society of America)
  • JASA Express Letters
  • Acoustics Today
  • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America


  1. Jump up^ “Acoustical Society of America homepage” . Acoustical Society of America .
  2. Jump up^ “History of the ASA” . Acoustical Society of America .
  3. Jump up^ “ASA Committees” . Acoustical Society of America .
  4. Jump up^ “JASA” . AIP Scitation .
  5. Jump up^ “Arlo” . AIP Scitation .
  6. Jump up^ “Acoustics Today” . Acoustics Today . Acoustical Society of America.
  7. Jump up^ “ASA Awards” . Acoustical Society of America .