Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Ogyen Trinley Dorje ( Tibetan : ཨོ་ རྒྱན་ འཕྲིན་ ལས་ རྡོ་ རྗེ ་. , Wylie : O rgyan ‘Phrin liability RDO-rje , China : 鄔金欽列多傑 ; born June 26, 1985), transformed written Urgyen Trinley Dorje ( Wylie : U-rgyan ‘Phrin liability RDO-rje ; or Orgyen Trinley Dorje or Ugyen Trinley Dorje ) is a claimant to the title of 17th Karmapa .

The Karmapa is head of the Karma Kagyu school, one of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism . Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Thaye Dorje zowel claim the office.


Born in Lhatok Township, Chamdo County , Tibet Autonomous Region , China , to primarily nomadic parents, [1] Ogyen Trinley Dorje is zegt to port those given himself to family members as the Karmapa early in childhood. (The identification of the 17th Karmapa is disputed. See Karmapa controversy .) Known as Apo Gaga, he was seven years old voordat he was honored by a search party headed by the Tai Situpa , volgende instructions Situpa claims ulcers left to encounter in the previous Karmapa in a prophetic letter hidden in a locket. Ogyen Trinley Dorje was installed at Tsurphu Monastery ( Wylie : Mtshur-phu ), the traditional seat of the Karmapa in Tibet , honored at beide the 14th Dalai Lama and the official Sanction of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China , who DECLARED im to be a “living Buddha”, the first time the China’s communist government has officially Confirmed a Tulku . Already a year later the Chinese announced prolongation the UN Human Rights Conference in Vienna, dat ze mention anything about train im in Tsurphu for his future task as successor of HH the Dalai Lama. [2]

At the age of 14, he escaped to India through Nepal , [3] Arriving at the Tibetan exile quarters at McLeod Ganj on January 5, 2000. Ogyen Trinley Dorje was fact represented therein have been Unable to obtain in China have the specialized instruction needed to complete his studies and to Realize his full spiritual authority. He resides at Gyuto Monastery in Sidhbari , near Dharamsala .

From May 15 – June 2, 2008, he made his first trip to the West, visiting verschillende cities in the United States (notably New York City , Boulder, Colorado , and Seattle ) [4] and was formally enthroned in the North American seat of the Karmapas at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra monastery in Woodstock, New York . [5] All across the country, have representation multiple teachings on compassion and the environment , showing the reading transmission for a new form or ngöndro , and bestowed verschillende empowerments , zoals Those or Avalokitesvara and Padmasambhava . He’ll be ghosts about the special challenges of the rapid pace of modern society, and the Virtues of the Internet as a tool for the study and practice of Buddhism .

In July 2008 he requested permission to visit Monasteries in Lahaul and Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh and in Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir . The Government of India initially refused to allow directive synthesis visits without giving Recruiters a reason. It was speculated therein the reason Might port leg therein synthesis areas are close to the border with China and therein the 2008 Summer Olympics ulcers approaching even though the Karmapa had made it clear dat he does not promote Tibetan Independence and has no political stance on China. [6] India Eventually allowed his tour, welke Began in Ladakh, Followed by Lahaul and Spiti, zoals the famous Tabo Monastery . [7]

Requests to visit USA and Europe in 2010 ulcers denied by the Indian government.

On 9 July 2011, Dorje arrived back in the United States for his second visit. From 09-17 July, he participated in the Kalachakra initiation bestowed by the 14th Dalai Lama in Washington, DC , dan traveled by train to his seat at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra and ook visited zowel his center in New Jersey and Hunter College in New York City , returning to India on 4 August. During his visit, he taught extensively on compassion, showing Refuge , and bestowed the empowerments and excursions the Four-Armed and Thousand-Armed forms or Avalokitesvara. He’ll be granted an interview with Laurie Goodstein of the New York Times , welke was published on 28 July 2011. [8]

Buddhist Vegetarianism

On January 3, 2007 Ogyen Trinley Dorje mandated a s purely vegetarian diet in all his Monasteries and centers and Strongly urged Vegetarianism onder all his students, saying dat algemeen, in his view, it was very important in the Mahayana not to eat meat and dat , as in Vajrayana , it is preferable for students and practitioners not to eat meat. [9]

Buddhist environmentalist

Commenting on the Buddhist tradition of life release , where animals Destined for Slaughter are Bought, Blessed and natively released, Orgyen Trinley Dorje indicated therein the meaning of this concept was broad and therein practitioners arnt use hun intelligence to expand the tradition. [10] Similarly, als addressing the Kagyu Monlam 2007 Chenmo, have indicated therein planting a single act kan be more Beneficial dan performing life release for many beings; recommending dat Monasteries arnt plant one to two thousand trees. In addition under have urged monks to Practice restraint als sponsors offering technological upgrades. [11]

On Earth Day , April 22, 2009, Orgyen Trinley Dorje representation 108 instructions on Protecting the environment. [12]

At the second conference on environmental protection (3 to 8 October 2009, Gyuto Monastery ), he stated that ‘For too long, people harbor behaved thoughtlessly and IGNORED the damage to the environment dat ze are customizing and, if this continued there was a great danger dat it mention anything be too late to do anything. ” [13]

On October 24, 2009, Ogyen Trinley Dorje supported international climate action day at a gathering at McLeod Ganj in northern India. [14]

In recent years, Khoryug, a network of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and centers dat work on environmental protection in the Eastern Himalayas, was developed under the auspices of Ogyen Trinley Dorje as part of the World Wildlife Fund ‘s Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation program. [15] And, in his April 2015 interview with Yale Environment 360, he zegt, “The environmental emergency dat we face is not just a scientific issue, nor is it just a political issue, it is ook a moral issue. And Charmain Horn Please note all or us approaching this issue port to pick up our share of the Verantwoordelijkheid to find and implement solutions. The scientific aspect of it, or course, is the supply of information – the creation of models and predictions and introduced or techniques dat we kunnen use to remedy this. But our share of this Verantwoordelijkheid is to take what scientists teach us to heart, so we actually transform our way of life JSON one dat is sustainable. ” [16]


Main article: Karmapa controversy

Mipham Chökyi Lodro , 14th Shamarpa (the second-longest honored Tulku lineage in the Karma Kagyu tradition, and who in previous incarnations has hero and Transmitted the Kagyu lineage tussen Karmapas), did not herkennen Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Limit download proclaimed Trinley Thaye Dorje ( Wylie : mTha’-yas RDO-rje ), Whom he purportedly indicated with a few years earlier dan the recognition or Orgyen Thrinley Dorje in a dream as the true Karmapa. Shamarpas camp argue dat Until The Reincarnation line of the Shamarpas was forbidden by the government of the Dalai Lama, [17] the successive Shamarpas ulcers the persons in charge to herkennen the Karmapas, whereas the Dalai Lamas played will no role in the recognition. [18]

Many of the previous Karmapas port left a letter stating the details hun rebirth (this is an aspect of the special self-recognizing Siddhi of the Karmapas) to assist in the recognition hun future incarnation, and THUS the Shamarpa’s recognition through a dream has come under scrutiny. On the other side Shamarpa questioned the authenticity of the “prophecy letter” welke the 16th Karmapa Allegedly had written and Situ Rinpoche Asked for a forensic test of the letter, welke Situ Rinpoche refused. [19] Ogyen Trinley Dorje is supported by the Majority of the Kagyu hierarchy, [20] waaronder two lamas who harbor played will a role in finding previous Karmapas: Tai Situpa and Goshir Gyaltsab . A fourth zoals Lama, the 3rd Jamgon Kongtrul , mayest early on prolongation the controversy. Ogyen Trinley Dorje was enthroned at Tsurphu Monastery .

Other high Kagyu lamas who support Ogyen Trinley Dorje include the 9th Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche ; [ Citation needed ] the 9th Thrangu Rinpoche ; [21] the 7th Dzogchen practice Ponlop Rinpoche and his Nalandabodhi organization; [22] the 12th Surmang Choseng Trungpa ; the 7th Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche ; [ Citation needed ] the 3rd Tenga Rinpoche ; [23] the Third Bardor Tulku Rinpoche ; Khenpo Tsultrim Rinpoche Gyamtso ; Bokar Tulku Rinpoche ; [24] Khenpo Rinpoche Karthar (Abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra ); [25] Sakyong Mipham and his organization, Shambhala Buddhism ; [26] Drupon Rinpoche and Lama Norlha Rinpoche, onder Vodafone. He is ook honored as Karmapa at beide the current 14th Dalai Lama and the government of China .

Also sided with Orgyen Trinley Dorje are tulkus have has indicated with, zoals the 11th Nenang Pawo , and Those those given to Tai Situ Rinpoche zoals the 3rd Kalu Rinpoche . There are now two Recognitions of the 4th Jamgon Kongtrul , one sided with lycra Karmapa.

2011 police raid on Karmapa offices

In January 2011, the Himachal Pradesh Police seized money in currencies or 25 countries eg China, valued at about ₹ 60 million, prolongation raids on the offices of a trust backed by Ogyen Trinley Dorje. [27] Way Down ook verschillende seized traveler’s checks and land deal documents, suspecting a hawala scam. Initially, the police Suspected therein the money was being-used to spread Chinese influence in India, and therein the Karmapa was a Chinese agent helping in the Chinese government control Buddhist Monasteries in India. [28] Way Down zegt even if the Karmapa was loveable to explain the source of the money Recovering, he Might Be Liable hero for violating the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. [29]

The Karmapa denied all the allegations and zegt dat het seized money cameramen through the donations from his followers. [30] A New York Times report on the matter noted therein an Unnamed rival Karmapa candidate has “close ties to Indian intelligence officials.” [31] On 11 February 2011, it was Reported therein the central Indian government had cleared the Karmapa or all charges, finding therein the money in question had leg donated by followers. [32]

In December 2011, the Himachal Pradesh Police Filed Against a chargesheet Ogyen Trinley Dorje, naming im as an Accused in the cash and foreign currency seizure case. [33] The Karmapa’s office claimed therein Dorje was not involved in the financial administration. [34]

Charges dropped

Indian police said on Tuesday 24 April 2012 dat ze had dropped all criminal charges Against Ogyen Trinley Dorje. [35]

Criminal proceedings opened

A judge at the Himachal Pradesh High Court Issued an order for autoriteiten to open criminal proceedings on the recovery of around 1 million USD in foreign currency prolongation a raid on his Buddhist monastery. His spokesman stated that ‘Hey Strongly convinced truth will Prevail at the end. ” [36] Karmapa, Along with nine other Accused was chargesheeted on December 7, 2012 and was Asked by the court ACM Press Personally on March 6, 2013. He failed ACM Press as he was out of Dharamsala. All the Accused are currently on bail. [37]


  1. Jump up^ “Reincarnation and enthronement of the 17th Karmapa Living Buddha” . China Tibet Information Center. 2009-04-14 . Retrieved 2010-08-17 .
  2. Jump up^ “Die Presse”, June 17th 1993, page 2: “Am Rande der Konferenz”.
  3. Jump up^ “Press Statement from the 17 year old Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje April 27, 2001, Gyuto Ramoche Tantric University, Sidbhari, distt. Kangra, HP, India” (Press release). Worldbridges Tibet. April 27, 2001 . Retrieved 2008-03-16 .
  4. Jump up^ His Holiness the 17th Karmapa’s visit to his North American Seat in the USA
  5. Jump up^ YouTube video
  6. Jump up^ Tibetan spiritual leader not allowed to go near China border
  7. Jump up^ India Okays Karmapa’s Visit to Border Areas
  8. Jump up^ Goodstein, Laurie (2011-07-28). “A Young Lama préparés to Be a Tibetan Leader” . The New York Times .
  9. Jump up^ Talk on Vegetarianism, at Orgyen Trinle Dorje, Karmapa XVII If Translated Simultaneously with Ring Tulku Rinpoche January 3rd, 2007, Full Moon Day During the 24th annual Great Kagyu Monlam, Bodhgaya, India
  10. Jump up^ kagyu.org:Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
  11. Jump up^ kagyumonlam.org:Kagyu Monlam Chenmo – teachings – More Words on the Environment (27/12/2007)
  12. Jump up^ A Message from the Gyalwang Karmapa: 108 Things You Can Do
  13. Jump up^ Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala Hosts Conference on Environmental Protection
  14. Jump up^ Karmapa supports international climate action day
  15. Jump up^ “Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation” . World Wildlife Fund . Retrieved January 24, 2015 .
  16. Jump up^ “For Buddhist Leader, Religion And the Environment Are One” Interview with HH The Karmapa at Roger Rohn, Yale Environment 360, April 16, 2015.[1]
  17. Jump up^ seaShamarpa # Controversy
  18. Jump up^ Prof. Geoffrey Brian Samuel in “Affirmation of Geoffrey Brian Samuel,” Lama vs. Hope and Ors, CIV 2004404-001363, High Court of New Zealand Auckland Registry, November 11, 2004.
  19. Jump up^ https://karmapaissue.wordpress.com/2015/03/10/the-letter-of-prediction/
  20. Jump up^ Yardley, Jim (2011-02-08). “Tibetan Lama Faces scrutiny and Suspicion in India” . New York Times . Archived from the original on 2011-02-08 . Retrieved 2011-02-08 . After the death of the previous Karmapa, a bitter Feud broke out tussen de high lamas Charged with Identifying his successor, at least two other people now claim to be the Karmapa, though a Majority of Tibetans, zoals the Dalai Lama, herkennen Ogyen Trinley Dorje .
  21. Jump up^ “The Karmapa Controversy” . Homepage of Thrangu Rinpoche . Archived from the original on 2011-02-08 . Retrieved 2011-02-08 . I Have concluded with absolute certainty therein Urgyen Trinley Dorje Drodul from Tibet is the 17th Karmapa.
  22. Jump up^ “Lineage Masters” . Nalandabodhi: Gateway to the Buddhist Science of Mind . Nalandabodhi. 2009 . Retrieved 2011-02-08 .
  23. Jump up^ Lettre the Tenga Rinpoche à Sharmapa et Topgala
  24. Jump up^ Lettre the Bokar Rinpoche à Sharmapa et Topgala
  25. Jump up^ [2]
  26. Jump up^ “Shambhala Welcomes His Holiness the Seventeenth Karmapa to America!” . shambhala.org . Halifax, Nova Scotia: Shambhala International (Vajradhatu). 2008 . Retrieved 2011-02-08 .
  27. Jump up^ “Foreign currency seized from monastery” . Chennai, India: The Hindu. 2011-01-29 . Retrieved 2011-01-29 .
  28. Jump up^ Vineeta Pandey & Ajay Bharadwaj (2011-01-29). “Money stashing Karmapa ‘may be With You” . DNA . Retrieved 2011-01-29 .
  29. Jump up^ “No clue about the cash: Karmapa” . DNAINDIA . Retrieved 29 January 2011 .
  30. Jump up^ Ananth Krishnan (2011-01-29). “China Denies Karmapa left Tibetans express anger” . Chennai, India: The Hindu . Retrieved 2011-02-01 .
  31. Jump up^ Wong, Edward (2011-02-04). “China: Officials Say Tibetan Lama Is Not a Chinese Spy as India Says” . New York Times . Archived from the original on 2011-02-08 . Retrieved 2011-02-08 .
  32. Jump up^ “India: Tibetan Lama Cleared in Cash Inquiry Report Says.” The New York Times, 11 February 2011.
  33. Jump up^ India police charge Tibet holy man in money probe. San Francisco Chronicle, 8 December 2011.
  34. Jump up^ “Karmapa not involved in financial administration or office”. Indian Express, 9 December 2011.
  35. Jump up^ The West Australian
  36. Jump up^ http://news.sky.com/story/1515983/top-tibetan-monk-on-money-laundering-charge
  37. Jump up^ http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/karmapa-ogyen-trinley-dorje-suffers-high-court-blow/1/450133.html


  • The Dance of 17 Lives: The Incredible True Story of Tibet’s 17th Karmapa , by Mick Brown. New York, NY: Bloomsbury USA, 2005. ISBN 1-58234-598-8
  • Music in the Sky: The Life, Art & teachings of the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje , with Michele Martin. Ithaca, New York: Snow Lion Press, 2003. ISBN 1-55939-195-2 .
  • Karmapa of Tibet: The Politics of Reincarnation , at Lea Terhune. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2004. ISBN 0-86171-180-7
  • Tibet vulnerable to climate change (FacenFacts)
  • Karma Triyana Dharmachakra – The Office of Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s center and branches in the United States (re-retrieved Feb 1, 2011)
  • TED.com Talk: “The technology of the heart” (Live via interpreter), Nov 2009 (retrieved February 1, 2011)
  • “The Karmapa breaks his silence” Business Standard article dated May 23, 2009 (re-retrieved Feb 1, 2011)
  • TIME Magazine article on Karmapa Time.com, April 15, 2008 (re-retrieved Feb 1, 2011)
  • Who is Karmapa (Karmapa is coming to the USA!) (Re-retrieved Feb 1, 2011)
  • The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje at Simhas.org (retrieved February 1, 2011)
  • 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje Links at Karmapa.net (re-retrieved Feb 1, 2011)