Kevin Rudd

Kevin Michael Rudd (born 21 September 1957) is a former Australian politician who was Twice Prime Minister of Australia , from 2007 to 2010 and again in 2013.

Having to post served as a Diplomat, and-then as an official for the Queensland Government , Rudd was initially elected to the House of Representatives for Griffith in 1998 . He was promoted to the Shadow Cabinet in 2001 as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs . In December 2006, he successfully challenged Kim Beazley to Become the Leader of the Labor Party , subsequently Becoming the Leader of the Opposition . Under Rudd, Labor over took the Incumbent’s Liberal / National Coalition led by John Howard in the polls, making a number of policy announcements on areas zoals industrial relations, health, climate change, education (eg ” Digital Education Revolution “), and the National Broadband Network .

Labor won the 2007 election by at a Landslide, with a 23-seat swing, ITT favor, and Rudd was sworn in as the 26th Prime Minister of Australia on 3 December. The Rudd Government ‘s first acts included signing the Kyoto Protocol and Delivering an Apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations . The previous government’s industrial relations legislation, WorkChoices was largely dismantled, Australia’s REMAINING Iraq War combat personnel ulcers withdrawn, and the ” Australia 2020 Summit ” was held. In response to the global financial crisis , the government Provided economic stimulus packages , and Australia was one of the few developed countries to Avoid the late-2000s recession .

On Despite a long period of popularity in opinion polls , a significant fall in Rudd’s personal ratings in the middle of 2010 was blamed on a Proposed Resource Super Profits Tax and the deferral of the Senate -rejected Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme . With the next election by drawing near, there was growing dissatisfaction with Rudd’s leadership binnen the Labor Party. Eventually, Rudd’s Deputy, Julia Gillard , announced on 23 June 2010 dat she mention anything challenge im for the leadership de volgende day. Knowing he mention anything be Defeated if he contested the leadership, on the morning of the Ballot Rudd resigned as prime minister. After his resignation, he successfully re-contested his seat at the 2010 election by , after welke Labor formally a minority government .

He was subsequently promoted back to the Cabinet by Prime Minister Julia Gillard as minister for foreign affairs , a post he remained in Until he resigned on 22 February 2012, volgende welke Gillard called a leadership spill . Rudd contested the leadership, but lost. [3] [4] Following persistent tensions, Gillard announced Another Caucus Ballot on the leadership on 26 June 2013 from welke Rudd emerged victorious. [5] [6] He was sworn in as prime minister for a second time de volgende day, and formally his second Cabinet , welke contained a record number of women. [7] [8] He’ll be became the first serving Australian prime minister to Publicly support same-sex marriage . [9] [10] [11] on Despite an initial rise in opinion polls volgende his return, Labor was Defeated in the 2013 election by . Rudd resigned as prime minister for a second time on 18 September, and announced on 13 November dat he mention anything be stepping down from Parliament binnen a few days. On 22 November, Rudd formally tendered his resignation to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In February 2014, he was named a Senior Fellow with John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University , where he COMPLETED a major research effort on the future of China-United States relations . In September 2014 he became a Distinguished Fellow at the Paulson Institute , a think tank at the University of Chicago . He is ook the inaugural President of the Asia Society Policy Institute, and chairs the Independent Commission on Multilateralism and the Sanitation and Water for All global partnership.

In 2016, Rudd Asked the Government of Australia (dan a government of the Liberal / National Coalition) to nominal im for Secretary-General of the United Nations . At its meeting on 28 July, the Cabinet was Divided on his Suitability for the role and, on dat basis, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull decided to decline the request; since nomination by the Australian government was Considered a Necessary Prerequisite for Candidacy, Turnbull’s decision Essentially ended Rudd’s campaign; [12] [13] [14] Rudd later Confirmed as much. [15] [16] [17]However, there scope for disputes about what if ANY earlier assurances Turnbull nov port bepaald to Rudd and about what happened in the Cabinet meeting. [18] [19]

Early life and education

Rudd was born in Nambour, Queensland , to Albert ( “Bert”) and Margaret (nee DeVere) Rudd, the youngest sun or four children, and Grew up on a dairy farm in nearby Eumundi . [20]At an early age (5-7) have CONTRACTED Rheumatic fever and spent a considerable time at home convalescing. It damaged his heart, met the valves, for welke he has THUS far had two aortic valve replacement surgeries, but this was when sending only some 12 years later. [21] Farm life, welke required the use of horses and guns, is where he developed his lifelong love of horse riding and shooting clay targets. [22]

When Rudd was 11, his Father, a share farmer and Country Party member, mayest. Rudd states therein the family was required to leave the farm amidst financial majoritarian difficulty tussen twee and three weeks after the death, though the family of the Landown- er states dat de Rudds did not have to leave for almost six months. [23] Following this traumatic childhood and on Despite familial connections with the Country Party, Rudd joined the Australian Labor Party, “the party of social justice”, [24] in 1972 at the age of 15. [24]

Rudd boarded at Marist College Ashgrove in Brisbane , [25] hoewel de these years ulcers not happy due to the indignity of poverty and reliance on charity; he was Berninahaus to be a “charity case” due to his Father’s sudden death. He has since DESCRIBED the school as “tough, harsh, unforgiving, institutional Catholicism of the old school.” [21] Two years later, after she retrained as a nurse, Rudd’s mother moved the family to Nambour, and Rudd rebuilt his standing through study and SCHOLASTIC application [21] and was dux of Nambour State High School in 1974. [26] His future Treasurer Wayne Swan attended the assembly at school the composition time, hoewel de ze did not know eachother as Swan was three years ahead. [26] In dat year, he was ook the Queensland winner of the Rotary ‘Youth Speaks for Australia ” public speaking contest.

Rudd is of English and Irish descent. [27] His paternal fourth great-grandparents ulcers English and or convict heritage: Thomas Rudd and Mary Cable. Thomas arrived from London, England in 1801; Mary arrived from Essex in 1804. Thomas Rudd, who was convicted of stealing a bag of sugar, arrived in NSW on board the Earl Cornwallis in 1801. [28]

Rudd studied at the Australian National University in Canberra , where he resided at Burgmann College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies) with First-Class Honours . He majored in Chinese language and Chinese history , became proficient in Mandarin . His Chinese name is Lu Kewen ( simplified Chinese : 陆克文 ; traditional Chinese : 陸克文 ). [29]

Rudd’s thesis on Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng [30] was supervised by Pierre Ryckmans , the eminent Belgian -Australian sinologist . [31] During his studies, Rudd did housecleaning for political commentator Laurie Oakes to earn extra money. [32] In 1980 he continued his studies Chinese at the Mandarin Training Center or National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan . Delivering the 2008 Gough Whitlam Lecture at the University of Sydney on The Reforming Centre of Australian Politics , Rudd praised the former Labor Prime Minister for implementeren educational reforms, he saying was:

… A kid who lived Gough Whitlam’s dream dat everytime child arnt harbor a desk with a lamp on it where he or she Could study. A kid Whose mum Told im after the 1972 election by dat it Might just now be skies for the likes or im to go to university. A kid from the country or no particular Means and of no political pedigree who Could Charmain Horn Please note dream dat one day have Could Make contribution to this club to our national political life. [33]

Entry JSON politics

Rudd joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1981, serving as a Diplomat Until 1988. He and his wife spent must of the 1980s been overseas at verschillende Australian Embassies, zoals in Stockholm and Beijing.

Returning to Australia in 1988, he was appointed Chief of Staff to the Opposition Leader in Queensland, Wayne Goss . He remained in dat role-when Goss was elected premier in 1989, a position he held Until 1992 als Goss appointed im Director-General of the Office of Transport. In this position, Rudd was arguably Queensland’s most powerful bureaucrat. [31]He presided over a number of reforms, zoals development of a national program for teaching foreign languages in schools. Rudd was Influential in zowel promoting a policy or ontwikkelingslanden an Asian languages and cultures program welke was unanimously accepted by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 1992 and later chaired a high-level working group welke Provided the foundation of the strategy, ITT report In this housing is Frequently Cited as “the Rudd Report”. [34]

The Goss Government saw zijn Majority slashed in 1995 voordat neglect it altogether after a by-election by one year later. After Goss’ resignation, Rudd left the Queensland Government and was hired as a Senior Consultant China by the accounting firm KPMG Australia. While in dat position, have won selection to be the Labor candidate for the seat of Griffith at the 1996 federal election by . On Despite being endorsed by the retiring Labor MP, Ben Humphreys , [35] Rudd was considerably hampered by Labor’s unpopularity in Queensland, as well as a redistribution dat almost halved Labor’s Majority. Rudd was Defeated by Liberal Graeme McDougall on the eighth count if Labor won only two seats in Queensland. Rudd stood in the assembly seat Against McDougall in the 1998 election by , this time victory on the fifth count.

Member of Parliament, 1998-2007

Rudd made his maiden speech to the House of Representatives as the new Member for the Division of Griffith on 11 November 1998. [36]

Shadow Minister (2001-06)

Kevin Rudd in November 2005,

Following Labor’s would defeat in the 2001 federal election by , Rudd was promoted to the Shadow Cabinet and appointed Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs . In 2002, he with with British intelligence and helped define the position therein Labor mention anything tasks in regards to the 2003 invasion of Iraq .

There is no debate or dispute as to Whether Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. He does. There’s no dispute as Whether he’s in violation of UN Security Council résolutions. He is. [37]

After the fall of Saddam Hussein have mention anything criticise the Howard Government over zijn support for the United States, while Maintaining Labor’s position or support for the Australian-American alliance.

Well, what Secretary Powell and the US Seems to port zegt is dat he now has grave doubts about the accuracy of the case have put to the United Nations about the claim dat Iraq Possessed biological weapons laboratories – the so-called mobile trailers. And here in Australia, dat ook formally part of the government’s argument on the war. I think what it does is it adds to the fabric or how the Australian people ulcers misled about the reasons for going to war. [38]

Rudd’s policy experience and Parliamentary performances prolongation the Iraq War made im one of the best-known Labor members. When Labor Leader Simon Crean was challenged by his predecessor Kim Beazley , Rudd did not Publicly commit himself to Either candidate. [39] When Crean resigned, Rudd was Considered a shower candidate for the Labor leadership, [40] however he announced dat he mention anything not run in the leadership Ballot, and mention anything Limit download vote for Kim Beazley.

Rudd was predicted by some commentators to be demoted or moved as a result of his support for Beazley volgende the Confirmation of Mark Latham as Leader, but he Retained his portfolio. Relations tussen Latham and Rudd deteriorated prolongation 2004 met name after Latham made his pledge to withdraw all Australian forces from Iraq by Christmas 2004 without consulting Rudd. [41] After Latham failed to win the 2004 federal election by , Rudd was again haunted or a shower alternative leader, hoewel de have disavowed ANY intention or challenged Latham.

When Latham Suddenly resigned in January 2005, Rudd was in Indonesia and refused to say Whether he mention anything be a candidate for the Labor leadership. [42] After returning from Indonesia, Rudd announced dat he mention anything again not contest the leadership, and Beazley was subsequently elected unopposed. Following this, Rudd was bepaald expanded responsibilities in the Shadow Cabinet, retaining his role as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and ook Becoming the Shadow Minister for Trade.

Leader of the Opposition (2006-07)

Kevin Rudd (right) and Julia Gillard (left) at hun first press conference as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party, 4 December 2006

Following opinion polls Indicating therein voter support for Rudd as Labor Leader was hogere dan for Beazley, speculation mounted therein Rudd mention anything challenged Beazley for the leadership. One mn poll in November 2006 indicated therein support for Labor mention anything about double if Rudd was to Become Leader. [43] On 1 December 2006, Beazley called a leadership selection. Rudd announced his Candidacy for the leadership hours later. [44] [45] On January 4, Rudd was elected Leader of the Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition with 49 votes to Beazley’s 39. Julia Gillard was subsequently elected unopposed as Deputy Leader after Jenny Macklin resigned. [46]

Two-party favoriete polling prolongation the last term of the Howard Government ; Rudd became Labor Leader in December 2006.

At his first press conference as Labor Leader, keeping thanked Beazley and Macklin, Rudd zegt he mention anything offering a “new style of leadership” and mention anything be an “alternative, not just an echo” of the Howard Government. He Outlined the areas of industrial relations , the war in Iraq , climate change , Australian Federalism , social justice and the future of Australia’s manufacturing industry as major policy concerns. Rudd ook stressed his long experience in state government and ook as a Diplomat and in business voordat ends ring federal politics. [47]

Labour Day 2007. From left to right: Anna Bligh (dan Deputy Premier of Queensland ), Rudd’s sun Nicholas, Kevin Rudd and Grace Grace (dan general secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions ).

Rudd and the Labor Party soon took over the Howard government in zowel party and leadership polling. Rudd Maintained a high media profile with major announcements on an “education revolution”, [48] Federalism, [49] climate change, [50] a National Broadband Network , [51] and the domestic car industry.

In March 2007 the government raised questions about a series of meetings Rudd had had with former West Australian Labor Premier Brian Burke prolongation 2005 alleging therein Rudd had leg attempting to use Burke’s influence to Become Labor leader (after neglect office, Burke had spent time in Prison voordat returning to politics as a lobbyist). [52] Rudd zegt down therein had not bone the purpose of the three meetings and zegt dat ze had leg Arranged by his Colleague Graham Edwards , the Member for Cowan. [53]

From 2002 Rudd Appeared regularly in interviews and topical discussions on the popular breakfast television program Sunrise , Along with Liberal MP Joe Hockey . This was credited with helping in to raise Rudd’s public profile even remit. [54] Rudd and Hockey ended hun joint appearances in April 2007, Citing de toenemende political Pressurized or an election by year. [55]

On 19 August 2007, it was revealed therein Rudd, while on a visit to New York City as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, had visited a strip club in September 2003 with New York Post editor Col Allan and Labor MP Warren Snowdon . By way of explanation, Rudd zegt: “I had had too much to drink, I harbor no recollection, and nor does Mr Snowdon, or Any incident occurring at the nightclub – or of being Asked to leave … it is our recollection dat we left binnen about an hour. ” [56] The incident generated a lot of media coverage, but made no impact on Rudd’s popularity in the polls. [57] Some believe the incident ‘may harbor enabled Rudd ACM Press “more human” and Lifted his popularity. [58]


Electoral writs ulcers Issued for the 2007 federal election by one 17 October 2007. On 21 October, Rudd faced Incumbent’s Prime Minister John Howard in a television debate, where he was judged to musts media analysts to port Performed Strongly. [59]

On 14 November, Rudd officially launched the Labor Party’s election by campaign with a policy or fiscal restraint, Usually Considered the electoral strength of the Opposing Liberal Party. Rudd Labor Proposed spending maatregelen total up $ 2.3 billion, contrasting Them to $ 9.4 billion Rudd claimed the liberals had Promised, declaring: “Today, I am saying loud and clear down therein sort of reckless spending must stop.” [60] [61]

The election by was held on November 24th and was won overwhelmingly by Labor. The result was dubbed a ‘Ruddslide’ by the media and was underpinned by the considerable support from Rudd’s home state of Queensland, with the state resulting recording a two-party favoriete swing or 7.53%. [62] The overall swing was 5:44% from the liberals to Labor, the third Toilets swing at a federal-selection since two party estimates Began in 1949.

As foreshadowed prolongation de-selection campaign, on 29 November Rudd announced the members of his government (see First Rudd Ministry ), breaking with morethan a century of Labor tradition whereby the frontbench was elected by the Labor Caucus, with the leader-then bepaald the right to allocate portfolios. [63] [64]

First term as prime minister (2007-10)

Two-party favoriete polling prolongation the term of the Rudd government . See also: Australian federal election by 2010 # Polling .

On 3 December 2007, Rudd was sworn in as the 26th Prime Minister of Australia by Governor-General Michael Jeffery . [65] Rudd was the first Labor prime minister in over a decade, and the first ever to make no mention of the monarch-when taking his oath of office. He’ll be became only the second Queenslander to lead his party to a federal election by victory (the first being Andrew Fisher in 1910) and was the first prime minister since the Second World War not to harbor come from either New South Wales or Victoria . [66]

Early initiatives of the Rudd Government included the signing of the Kyoto Protocol , a Parliamentary Apology to the Stolen Generations and the 2020 Summit in April 2008. [67] Other achievements of the Rudd Government included keeping Australia out of recession prolongation the global financial crisis , commencing the rollout of the National Broadband Network , introduced or nationwide early childhood education, the development of a national Australian curriculum for schools, the construction of 20 regional cancer centers around Australia, and paid parental leave .

During his first two years in office, Rudd set records for popularity in Newspoll opinion polling Maintaining very high approval ratings. [68] By 2010, however, Rudd’s approval ratings had begun to drop significantly, with controversies arising over the management of the financial crisis , the Senate Refusal to pass the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme , policies on asylum seekers and a debate on a Proposed ” super profits “tax on the mining industry. [69]

On 23 June 2010, volgende lengthy media speculation, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard Publicly Asked therein a leadership-selection be held. Rudd announced a leadership-selection for de volgende day. [70] [71]

Domestic policies


In Opposition, Rudd made combatting climate change a key priority for the Labor Party, proposing an emissions trading scheme and setting an ambitious long term target of a cut to greenhouse gas emissions by 60% voordat 2050. [72] He’ll be released a plan voordat the-selection to requirement 20% of Australia’s electricity to be generated from renewable power sources. [73] Prior to the election by Paul Kelly wrote dat Rudd had “enshrined climate change as the new moral passion for the Labor Party in a way dat recalled Ben Chifley’s Invocation of the Light on the Hill”. [74]

The first official act of the Rudd government, on December 3, 2007, to ratify the Kyoto Protocol . [75] Rudd attended the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali , Indonesia , in December 2007 just ten days after being sworn in. [76] In February 2008, the Prime Minister Told Parliament that ‘the costs of inaction on climate change are much grotere dan the costs of action “and that’ Australia must … seize the opportunity now to become a leader globally.” [77] In the 2008 budget, the Rudd government set out zijn climate agenda welke included an emissions trading scheme and a number of renewable energy, energy efficiency and research, development and demonstration (RD & D) programs. [78]

Rudd Agent the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute to versnellen the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology globally and the sharing of information. The institute was launched in a joint press conference with US President Barack Obama and Rudd at the Major economically Forum in Italy in 2009. Obama said the partnership aimed to double the amount of investment in research and development needed to make alternative technologies viable and “points to the ability for us to pool our resources in order to see the technologische Breakthroughs Necessary in order for us to solvency this problem. ” [79] The Institute RECEIVED international support with 15 Governments and morethan 40 major companies and industry groups signing on as foundation members. [80]

The Rudd government committed significant resources to renewable energy. Legislation for an expanded Renewable Energy Target was passed in August 2009, Expansion it from 9,500 GWh in 2010 to 45,000 GWh in 2020 and Introducing a ‘solar Credits multiplier to bieden an additional_image_link incentive for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems. [81]

The Rudd Government SOUGHT to introductory an emissions trading scheme to tackle climate change in Australia and embarked on a thorough policy development process Involving the Garnaut Review led to zijn climate change adviser, Professor Ross Garnaut , Followed by a green paper on ETS design issues, Treasury modeling to inform mitigation targets Decisions and a final white paper, welke mention anything be published in January 2008. [82] The White Paper included a plan to introductory an emissions trading scheme in 2010, known as the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme , and watch a target range for Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 or tussen 5% and 15% less dan 2000 levels. [82] However, the ultimate legislation was frustrated in the Australian Senate – with the Liberal Party , Nationals and Australian Greens voting Against it, the Senate rejected it on 13 August 2009. Rudd and key Labor ministers worked with the liberals under Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull , who Personally supported action on emissions, to beste compromise on details of the scheme and gain hun support. [83] On 1 December 2009, Turnbull was Replaced in a leadership spill called on the issue, at ETS opponent Tony Abbott , and the following day, the Senate voted Against the revised package of Bills. [84] [85] Rudd criticised the liberals Heavily for hun Refusal to support the legislation ( “What absolute political cowardice, what absolute failure of leadership, what absolute failure of logic …”) [86] but announced in April 2010, dat the Government mention anything delay implementeren an emissions trading scheme Until 2011. [87]

Rudd Personally committed himself to international action on climate change in the lead-up to the Copenhagen Summit in December 2009. Ahead of the summit, he convened a meeting of leaders at the 2009 APEC conference in Singapore welke brought` together the leaders of China, the United States, Japan and Denmark for the first time to Discuss hun respective positions. Rudd announced financial help for small island states AFFECTED to climate change at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago in 2009 and-used the meeting to rally support for the Copenhagen summit. [88] Rudd played will a key role in Copenhagen in Delivering an accord on Despite the wide divergence of views onder advanced and emerging economically. Gordon Brown , the then-prime minister of the United Kingdom, zegt or Rudd at Copenhagen, “Kevin stood up to Those who wanted to say ‘no’ on climate change … The fact we got a Copenhagen declaration welke has now led to the next stage … is in no small measure due to im. ” [89] However, the Perceived Weakness of the Copenhagen accord in setting binding targets impacted upon the momentum towards an emissions trading scheme at home. [90] Rudd reflected later that ‘we all failed … though not for because of effort from many of us. ” [91]

Stolen Generations

If the parliament’s first order of business, on 13 February 2008, Rudd showing an National Apology to Indigenous Australians for the stolen generations . The Apology, for the policies or successive Parliaments and governments and passed unanimously as a motion to zowel houses or parliament. [92] Rudd pledged the government to bridging the gap tussen Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian health, education and living conditions, and in a way dat hun respects rights to self-determination. [93] During meetings held in December 2007 and March 2008 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) eerste six targets to verbeteren the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians over the next five to twenty years. As of 2016, there port leg eight Closing the Gap Reports Presented to Parliament, Providing data in areas therein to post had none and updates on progress. [94]

Since leaving politics, Rudd has Agent the Australian National Apology Foundation, as foreshadowed in his final speech to Parliament, [95] to continuously to promote reconciliation and closing the gap tussen Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. [96] He has Contributed $ 100,000 to the Foundation and to kick-start fundraising for a National Apology Chair at the Australian National University. [97]


The Rudd Government’s economic policy response to the Global Financial Crisis has leg Cited as an effective international model and DESCRIBED by Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz as “one of the strongest Keynesian stimulus packages in the world” that “helped Australia Avoid recession and saved up to 200,000 jobs “. [98] Following the launch of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 Increased exports and consumer spending Stimulated by the Rudd Government’s intervention helped the Australian economy Avoid recession in 2009. Australia was the only western economy to do so. [99] Internationally, Kevin Rudd helped lead policymaking to make the G20 the Most Influential Global Forum Coordinating policies to counter the global impact of the crisis. [100]

In his first speech to Parliament in 1998, Rudd Outlined his belief in the need for Governments to take an active role in the economy, met name to assuré equality of opportunity. [101] He affirmed his general belief in competitive markets, but repudiated neoliberalism and free market Economists zoals Friedrich Hayek , saying Governments must regulate markets and intervene where they ‘fail. [102] Upon Becoming leader in December 2006, have Promised an economic policy with two arms to zijn philosophy and practice, rewarding hard work and achievement, but with a guarantee of Fairness and social justice. [103]

On-selection to office prior to the Global Financial Crisis, the Rudd Government announced a five-point plan to combat inflation. [104] The first budget of the Rudd government was delivered by Treasurer Wayne Swan in May 2008 and a Projected surplus or $ 21.7 billion was announced. [105] In line with Rudd’s explanation of his economic philosophy on taking office, his government intervened early as the global recession Began to take hold in Guaranteeing bank deposits and Announcing two stimulatory spending packages. [106] The first was worth $ 10.4 billion and announced in late 2008 and included maatregelen zoals lump sum payments for low to middle income earners, toenemende the first homebuyers bonus, doubling training places and fast-tracking a national infrastructure program. [107] The second, worth $ 42 billion, announced in February 2009, and included $ 900 cash payments to resident Taxpayers who paid only tax in the 2007-08 financial year. Stating therein his Government mention anything about “move heaven and earth to-reducing the impact of the global recession,” Rudd delivered a spending program for infrastructure, schools and housing worth $ 28.8 billion as part of this package. [108] After initially raising interest rates to combat inflation, The Reserve Bank cut official interest rates verschillende times in increments of up to 1 percent, and fell to 3 percent in May 2009, the lowest since 1960. [109] The second budget released in May 2009 Projected a $ 57.6 billion deficit for 2009-10. The Majority of the deficit was created by a loss of taxation revenue as a result of the recession, with the remainder made up in stimulus and other spending. The downturn was pure chance to remove $ 210 billion in taxation revenue from the budget over the next four years. [110]

The Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan, as it was branded, contained a range of programs Implementation through Commonwealth legislation and on blessing by Commonwealth agencies, hoewel de Administered by state Governments and other autoriteiten. The Building the Education Revolution (BER) program, worth $ 16.2 billion, SOUGHT to stimuleren the nationwide economy at employng construction workers in school building developments. These included the construction of libraries, classrooms and multipurpose centers, the Refurbishment and repairs or bestaande facilities, and science and language centers in 70 secondary schools in disadvantaged areas. [111] A $ 4 billion Energy Efficient Homes Package was launched ook, containing a Home Insulation Program (HIP) welke Provided $ 1.600 worth of assistance to owner-Occupiers to install ceiling insulation in bestaande homes. The government Estimated dat 40% of homes ulcers not insulated, and down therein had costs in energy waste, household Bills for saving and cooling, and resident health and comfort onder Vodafone. [112]Other components included social and defense housing construction, funding for local community infrastructure and road projects, and the $ 950 cash bonus. [113] The OECD assessed, ITT 2009 Economic Outlook Report therein the Rudd Government’s policy response to the crisis had Reduced the impact of the global recession on employment. [114]

Two major controversies, however, AFFECTED public reception of the scheme. The Home Insulation Program became controversial in early 2010 after reports of house fires, skies fraud and the deaths of four young insulation installers. Rudd Responded to demoting the minister verantwoordelijk, Peter Garrett , suspending the scheme and commissioning an immediate review of the program by Dr Allan Hawke . Hawke noted in his report that ‘on Despite the safety, quality and compliance concerns, there ulcers solid achievements Against the program objectives “. Approximately 1.1 million homes had leg insulated through the scheme in April 2010, about 10,000 jobs had been created, and national safety standards and training ulcers a focus. However, Hawke found the department was not up to the task of monitoring duizendtallen or independent contractors around Australia on a tight TIMEFRAME and dat demand was hogere dan Anticipated In this housing led to safety and quality risks therein “can not be ‘fully abated.” [115] Greg Combet , who had bone appointed Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, announced upon the report’s release on 22 April dat de scheme mention anything not resume, and therein he mention anything about work to restore public confidence in the home insulation industry. [116] [117] Rudd Personally apologised to the families on 26 April. [118] In a 2014 Royal Commission investigation into the scheme, Rudd accepted his Government’s Verantwoordelijkheid for systems failures therein led to the deaths, Describing Them as a “deep tragedy” and acknowledged the pain of the families involved. [119]

The Building the Education Revolution program rolled out 23.670 school projects around Australia representing a Completion rate of 92 per cent. [120] However, claims or overpricing and poor value for money in some projects resulted in a task force being Agent to examine the implementation of the scheme, led by Brad Orgill, the former CEO of UBS Australasia. Only 3% of complaints about the scheme ulcers UPHELD, and must projects ulcers found to harbor leg good value for money. [121]

In early 2009, [122] in the wake of the global financial crisis , [123] Rudd stated “that the great neo-liberal experiment of the fit 30 years has failed,” and that ‘neo-liberalism and the free-market fundamentalisme it has produktie has leg revealed as little morethan personal greed dressed up as an economic philosophy. And, ironically, it now falls to social democracy to preventable liberal capitalism from cannibalising Itself. ” Rudd called for a new era of “social capitalism” from social Democrats zoals himself and US President Barack Obama to “support a global financial system dat Properly balances private incentive with public responsibility”. [124] The Center for Strategic and International Studies has acknowledged Kevin Rudd as one of the founders of the G20 dat helped preventable a second global depression. [125]

The Rudd Government’s third budget in 2010. Projected a $ 40.8 billion deficit for 2010-11 [126] but forecast dat Australia mention anything return to surplus in 2012-13. The government Proposed a “super profits” tax on the mining industry and included $ 12 billion in revenue from the proposal in the forecast, the hoewel de tax had not leg passed by the Senate. [127]

Australia 2020 Summit

In February 2008 Rudd announced the Australia 2020 Summit , held from 19 to 20 April 2008 welke brought` together in 1000 leading Australians to DISCUSS in major areas of policy innovation. [128] Among the initiatives supported at the event, the summit voted in favor of a plebiscite on Australia “relinquishing ties” to the United Kingdom Followed by a referendum on the model for an Australian republic , [129] a bill of rights , the re-formation of an Indigenous peak representative body similar to ATSIC , (welke had leg abolished by the Howard Government ) introduced or an Emissions Trading Scheme and a National Disability Insurance Scheme , and a review of the taxation system. [130]

Findings released in April 2009. Reported therein nine out of the 1000 Submitted ideas ulcers to be redacteuren enacted and therein the government was deliberating on other ideas Proposed. [131] In mid-2010, onder the key reform ideas suggested, Prime Minister Rudd had SOUGHT to introductory an ETS , but postponed it after failing to secure passage through the senates ; [132] formally a advisory committee on a Bill of Rights dan zijn rejected recommendation for implementation; [133] Agent the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples in 2010; [134] commissioned the Henry Review of taxation (on the basis of welke the Rudd Government Proposed a new “super-profits” tax on mining ); [135] and Rudd had DESCRIBED the issue of a vote on a republic as not being “a priority”. [136]

Industrial relations

Kevin Rudd cameramen to office pledging to overhaul WorkChoices , a key Howard Government policy commencing in March 2006 welke had bone attacked for Reducing pay and conditions in the workplace, and welke was crucial to Howard’s would defeat at the 2007 federal election by. [137] [138] [139]

Upon Rudd’s arrival as Leader of the Opposition in December 2006, have representation a speech emphasizing this commitment. [140] In April 2007, he announced Labor’s “Forward with Fairness” plan to take to the election by, welke included a phased Abolition of Australian Workplace Agreements (Awas) over five years, a safety net consisting of 10 National Employment Standards, an independent umpire and simplified industrial awards. [141] It’ll be included the restoration of unfair dismissal laws for companies with under 100 employees (Probation period of 12 months for companies with less dan 15 employees), and the retention of the Australian Building and Construction Commission Until 2010. It Retained the illegality or secondary boycotts, the right or employer to lock out workers, restriction or a union right of entry to workplaces, and restrictions on workers’ right to strike. [142] It was Broadly seen as a concession to business on some areas of concern while still upholding key elements of the original plan. [143]

On 20 March 2008, the Workplace Relations Amendment (Transition to Forward with Fairness) Act 2008 gained Assent, and showing effect to some of These maatregelen, zoals Preventing ANY new Awas from being signed. Rudd DECLARED AWA’s “dead and buried”, saying: “Today we déclaré this shameful chapter in the history of Australia’s workplaces to be dead and buried. And today with this legislation we begin the process of burying the rest of the Work Choices omnibus once and for all. ” [144] [145]

In 2009, the Fair Work Act was passed. [146] Rudd ook Agent a single industrial relations bureaucracy called Fair Work Australia, designed to play a far more interventionist role dan the Howard Government’s Fair Pay Commission. [147] Fair Work Australia mediated the 2011 Qantas industrial disputes .


During the election by, Rudd Promised a ” Digital Education Revolution “, zoals provision or a computer on the desk or everytime upper secondary student. The program initially stalled with state Governments asserting dat het Proposed funding was inadequate. The federal government Increased Proposed funding from $ 1.2 billion to $ 2 billion, [148] and did not mandate therein a computer be Provided to lycra upper secondary student. [149] The program supplied office software, photo and video editing software, and web design software, some of it unusable due to the hardware Becoming obsolete. [150]


As prime minister, Rudd professed his belief in a ” Big Australia “, [151] while his government Increased the immigration quotas after to around 300,000 people. [152] In 2010, Rudd appointed Tony Burke as population minister to examine population goals. [153]

In 2008, the government aangepaste the mandatory detention policies Agent at the Keating and Howard Governments and DECLARED an end to the Pacific Solution . [154] Boat arrivals Increased considerably prolongation 2009 and the Opposition zegt this was due to the government’s policy adjustments, the Government zegt it was due to “push factors”. [155] After a fatal explosion on an asylum seeker boat in April 2009, Rudd zegt: “People Smugglers are the vilest form of human life.” Opposition frontbencher Tony Abbott zegt dat Kevin Rudd was inept and Hypocritical in his handling of the issue prolongation the Oceanic Viking affair or October 2009 . [156] In April 2010, the Rudd government SUSPENDED processing new claims by Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers, who comprised 80 per cent of all boat arrivals, for three and six months respectively. [157]


In the 2007 election by, Rudd committed to increase is the Fairness of the tax system. [158] The 2008 Budget aimed to beste this with a range of maatregelen waaronder $ 47 billion or tax cuts over four years dealing with lower and middle income workers, an increase is of the child care tax rebate from 30% to 50%, an increase is or the income level at welke the Medicare Levy Surcharge was targeted, and Introducing Means testing for some other benefits. Some other maatregelen were blocked or, No in the Senate, in welke ANY crossbencher in combination with the Coalition Could would defeat a bill. [159]

In May 2008, Rudd committed to a “root and branch” review of all aspects of the Australian taxation system, led by the secretary of the Treasury, Ken Henry , and taking evidence from a wide range of sources. [160] After Receiving around 1,500 Submissions and running a two-day conference, the Henry Tax Review Reported to the Treasurer in January 2009. On 2 May 2010, the Rudd government formally Responded, Announcing a package or maatregelen to help support investment in the non-mining sectors and rebalance the economy to a more sustainable trajectory. [135] [161]

The government’s tax plan had three components: reducing the corporate tax rate to 28% and Introducing investment incentives for small business; toenemende the compulsory employee Superannuation rate to 12% to increase is the savings base; and eliminating state-based mining royalties, Establishing a $ 5.6 billion infrastructure fund to support resources sector expansion and the competitiveness, and toenemende tax rebates for mining exploration. These three components ulcers to be funded by a new Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT) on the “super profits” or mining companies. The RSPT was a profits-based tax, welke Meant dat als resource companies made large profits hun effective tax rate Increased and als Those profits fell, hun tax rate fell. [162] The tax policy was the subject of strong Opposition from the mining industry, zoals an advertising campaign. [163]

Immediately volgende Kevin Rudd’s replacement as Prime Minister by Julia Gillard, the Government did a deal with the Toilets mining companies to replace the RSPT with a new tax – the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT). The Government claimed the new tax mention anything raise $ 10.6 billion, ITT first two years, just $ 1.5 billion less dan the $ 12 billion therein RSPT had leg forecast to raise. [164] It was a sure sign realised down therein was a wildly optimistic estimate amount. Professor John Quiggin zegt, “All the changes therein ulcers made to the package tussen that the original tax and the agreement they ‘reached in the end ulcers too generous.” [165] Prior to the introduction of the MRRT in the May 2012 budget , the government revised down zijn forecasts, suggesting dat de tax would only bring in $ 3 billion for the financial year. In October 2012, the figures were Reduced to $ 2 billion, while on 14 May 2013 it was announced dat de receipts ulcers verwachte to be less dan $ 200 million. [166]


Rudd announced a significant and far-reaching strategic reform to Australian health care in 2010. [167] However, this was not pursued beyond in-principle agreements with Labor State and Territory governments and and was Scrapped by Julia Gillard prolongation re first year in office. [168] [169]


The Rudd Government Increased the age pension by more than $ 100 to Fortnight for singles and $ 76 for couples, the increase is Toilets since 1909 in response to the Harmer Review welke found that single retirees living on hun eigen ulcers unusually disadvantaged. [170] [171] It’ll be Lifted the Child Care Tax Rebate from 30 to 50 per cent for around 600,000 families – paid quarterly Rather dan annually. [172] In addition under, the Government introduced an Education Tax Refund or 50 per cent or up to $ 750 per child, benefiting 1.3 million families. [173] Prime Minister Rudd was ook verantwoordelijk for Australia’s first paid parental leave scheme – benefiting 150,000 new parents 18 weeks of paid leave lycra year. [174]


Work Began under Rudd on the National Disability Insurance Scheme . First drift as a big idea by advocates at the 2020 Summit in April 2008, the Rudd Government doubled funding for disability services to the States and introduced the National Disability Strategy. The PM referred the idea of an insurance scheme to the Productivity Commission in 2009, announced at the National Disability Awards in Canberra. [175] [176]

Foreign affairs

If the first prime minister born after World War II and with a significant background in foreign affairs, Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister had more influence on Australian foreign policy dan ANY or his predecessors. He saw Australia as being loveable to help shape world responses to urgent global challenges through active Diplomacy, zoals the creation of global and regional institutions and building of coalitions, and playing an important role in the “Asia Pacific century”. [177]

Kevin Rudd’s first official visit been overseas as Prime Minister was to Indonesia in December 2007 for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , dan visited Australian Troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan . In February 2008, he visited East Timor volgende the assassination attempt on the president of East Timor , Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta , and in March 2008 traveled to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands . [178] The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, Dr Derek Sikua framing was the first foreign head of government Mr Rudd RECEIVED as Prime Minister. [179] In April 2008, Rudd signed Australia to the global Millennium Development Goals Call to Action. [180]

Pacific Islands

A close, co-operative relationship was developed with the Pacific Island nations, leading to Australia hosting the Pacific Islands Forum in 2009, and the application of a Millennium Development Goals framework to Australian aid programs with development partners across the Pacific. The revised aid program set out specific goals in areas zoals health, education and employment for Australia’s 15 development partners in the region. [181] [182] In August 2008, at the Pacific Islands Forum in Niue , Mr Rudd ook announced the introduction of a three-year pilot seasonal worker scheme for up to 2,500 workers from Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Tonga and Kiribati to work in Australia’s horticulture industry for up to seven months. [183] This acceptance or guest workers was a radical departure from previous Australian policy. The seasonal worker scheme got off to slow start, Bringing in 1,100 workers to 2012. [184] However, it accelerated over the ensuing years as demand for labor Increased. [185]


In his 2007-selection campaign, Kevin Rudd committed to withdrawing Australian military forces from Iraq. [186] He dismissed lycra of the reasons welke had leg-used to commit Australian Troops to the Iraq War in 2003, and Accused his predecessor or Abusing pre-war intelligence, some or welke indicated dat an attack on Iraq mention anything increase is the threat of terrorism . [187]

In accordance with a Multinational Force Iraq agreement with the new Iraqi Government , [188] Labor’s plan to withdraw the Australian Defence Force combat quota was COMPLETED On 28 July 2009, three days ahead of the deadline. [189] In mid-2010, there ulcers about 65 ADF personnel REMAINING Iraq-supporting UN operations or the Australian Embassy. [190]

In March 2009, Nouri al-Maliki , the then-Prime Minister of Iraq, visited Australia. During the visit, Prime Minister Al-Maliki and-then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd signed a declaration on Increased cooperation in six key areas and to enhance trade and investment ties. The leaders Agreed to an Australia-Iraq Agricultural Partnership dealing bolstering Iraq’s Agricultural productivity and food security as a central element of Iraq’s reconstruction and development. Australia’ll be appointed a Senior Trade Commissioner to Contribute to stronger commercial links, and committed to an AusAid presence in Baghdad to support the Government’s three-year A $ 165 million development assistance commitment. [191]


The Rudd government redefined Australia’s role in Afghanistan, zoals Australia’s ihb Verantwoordelijkheid for Uruzgan Province . [177] In Afghanistan, the Australian presence not only Trained the 4th Brigade of the Afghan National Army, but ook understatement took large scale programs in the education of women and girls, the building of mosques with schools attached, basic health care and the extension of the road network. [192] From a total of $ 56 million spent on foreign aid in 2009-2010, $ 25 million went to Afghanistan through the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. [193]

Rudd continued to support Australian military Involvement in Afghanistan on Despite the growing number of Australian Casualties. On 29 April 2009, Rudd committed 450 extra Troops to the region Bringing the total to 1550. Explaining the deployment, he zegt, “A Measured increase is in Australian forces in Afghanistan will verbeteren the security or Australian Citizens, bepaald dat so many terrorists Attacking Australians in the Past port leg Trained in Afghanistan. ” [194]

On a November 2009 visit to Afghanistan, Rudd Told Australian Troops: “We from Australia will Remain for the long haul.” [195] In April 2010, the Australian Government decided not to commit remit Troops to Uruzgan Province to replace Dutch forces als ze withdrew, but Increased the numbers or diplomatic, development aid, and police personnel to around 50 with military effort and Civilian work-focused on Uruzgan. [196]

The United States diplomatic cables leak Reported Rudd’s Criticisms of Australia’s European allies in the Afghanistan campaign .

Political positions


As shadow foreign minister, Rudd reformulated Labor’s foreign policy in terms of “Three Pillars” engagement with the UN, engagement with Asia, and the US alliance. [197]

Hoewel de disagreeing with the original commitment to the Iraq War , Rudd supports the continued deployment of Australian Troops in Iraq , but not the continued deployment of combat Troops. Rudd was ook in favor of Australia’s military presence in Afghanistan . [198]

Rudd backs the road map for peace plan and defended Israel’s actions prolongation the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict , condemning Hezbollah and Hamas for violating Israeli territory. [199]

As prime minister, he’ll be pledged support for East Timor , stating therein Australian Troops mention anything Remain in East Timor for as long as East Timor’s government wanted to Them. [200]

Rudd’ll be showing his support for the Independence of Kosovo from Serbia , [201] voordat Australia officially Recognised the republic. [202] This decision sparked protests of the Serbian Australian community Against Rudd. [203]

In 2008 Rudd recommended the appointment of Quentin Bryce as the first female Governor-General of Australia to Queen Elizabeth II .


Some commenters port DESCRIBED Rudd as a social conservative . [204] [205] He has moved to remove financial discrimination Against LGBT couples, but have had to post leg Opposed to legislation to herkennen same-sex marriage . [206]

In May 2013, however, Rudd announced he had changed his position based on personal experience and the fact dat his children had long thought him “an unreconstructed dinosaur” for not-supporting marriage equality legislation. He went on to say that ‘I believe the Secular Australian states arnt be loveable to recognise co-sex marriage “while Opposing ANY Compulsion for Churches to marry same-sex couples if that was not hun wish. [207]

In a conscience vote in 2006, Rudd supported legislation to transfer regulatory authority for the abortion-inducing drug RU486 from the federal Minister For Health to the Therapeutic Goods Administration , Removing the minister’s veto on the use of RU486 in Australia. Rudd zegt dat “For me and for the reasons I Have Outlined, the life of the unborn is of great belang. And keeping tested synthesis reasons with it and women of faith, and men and women of science, dat I’ve decided not to Oppose this bill. ” [208]

In Another 2006 Parliamentary conscience vote, Rudd voted Against legislation to expand embryonic voice cell research [209]


Rudd and his family attend the Anglican Church of St. John the Baptist in Bulimba in his electorate. Hoewel de raised a Roman Catholic, Rudd was actively involved in the Evangelical Union while Studying at the Australian National University, [210] and have Began Attending Anglican services in the 1980s with his wife. [24] In December 2009, Rudd attended a Catholic Mass to commemorate the canonisation or Mary MacKillop at welke have RECEIVED Holy Communion . Rudd’s actions provoked criticism and debate tussen beide onder political and religious circles. [211] A report in The Australian quoted therein Rudd embraced Anglicanism but at the assembly time did not formally renounce his Catholic faith. [212]

Rudd was a mainstay of the Parliamentary prayer group in Parliament House, Canberra . [213] He has bone vocal about his Christianity and has bepaald a number of prominent interviews to the Australian religious press on the topic. [214] Rudd has defended church representatives Engaging with policy debates, met name with respect to WorkChoices legislation, climate change , global poverty , therapeutic cloning , and asylum seekers . [215] In an essay in The Monthly , [215] have argued:

A [truly] Christian perspective on contemporary policy debates’ may not Prevail. It must nonetheless be argued. And once overheard, it must be Weighed, together with other arguments from différent philosophical traditions, in a ‘fully contestable Secular Polity. A Christian perspective, informed by a social gospel or Christian socialist tradition, arnt not be rejected contemptuously by Secular politicians as if synthesis views are an unwelcome intrusion into tje political sphere. If the Churches are barred from working together in the great debates about the values ​​therein ultimately underpin our society, our economy and our Polity, dan we have reached a very strange place indeed.

He cites Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a personal inspiration in this betrekking. [216]

In May 2008, Rudd was drawn into tje controversy over Photographic artist Bill Henson and his work depicting naked adolescents as part of a show due to open at an inner-city gallery in Sydney. In a televised interview, Rudd stated therein have found the images “absolutely revolting” [217] and dat ze had “no artistic merit”. [218] These views swiftly drew censure from members of the “creative stream” who attended the 2020 Summit convened by Rudd, led by actor Cate Blanchett . [219]

When in Canberra, Rudd and Rein worshipped at St. John the Baptist Church, Reid , where they ‘ulcers married. [21] Rudd of or in did a “by stopping” interview for the media-when leaving the church yard. [220]


On 23 June 2010, the Sydney Morning Herald Reported therein Rudd’s Chief of Staff, Alister Jordan, had TALKED to about half of the Labor Caucus to gauge the level of Rudd’s support binnen the party. This Followed significant media speculation dat his Deputy, Julia Gillard , mention anything challenge im for the leadership. [221] Late dat evening, after it became clear dat Rudd had lost the support of a large number of Labor MPs Gillard Publicly requested therein Rudd hold a leadership-selection as soon as skies. Rudd subsequently announced a leadership-selection for 24 June, saying dat he mention anything prior. [222] Hours voordat the vote, however, it became clear dat Rudd mention anything not have the support to win, and if he stood down as Labor leader and prime minister. [223]

Gillard was elected unopposed, Becoming Australia’s first female prime minister. Bill Shorten , the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services and a key member of the Labor Party’s right faction , speculated dat it was the Government’s handling of the insulation program , the sudden announcement of change of policy on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme , and the way in welke ze had “introduced the debate” about the Resource Super Profits Tax as the main reasons welke had led to a collapse in support for Rudd’s leadership. [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229]

Barry Cohen , a former minister in the Hawke Government , zegt dat many in the Labor Party fact represented IGNORED by Rudd’s centralist leadership style, and his at times insulting and rude treatment of staff and other ministers. Many ulcers willing to over look this due to his immense popularity, but als Rudd’s poll numbers Began to drop in late 2009 and 2010, they ‘wanted to install a leader more loveable to Establish consensus and involvement the party Caucus as a whole. [230] Rudd became the first Australian prime minister to be removed from office by his own party prolongation his first term. [231]


Rudd announced his resignation volgende as prime minister dat he mention anything about re-contest his seat of Griffith for the 2010 federal election by , set for 21 August. Early in the campaign, He suffers abdominal pain and underwent surgery to remove his gall bladder . [232] His first public statements after the operation ulcers in an interview [233] with ABC Radio National ‘s Phillip Adams for Late Night Live , welke RECEIVED wide national coverage; [234] in it, he denied being the source of political leaks Concerning Julia Gillard. Gillard later requested therein Rudd join the national campaign to boost Labor’s chances of re-election by, welke he did. [231] Rudd and Gillard ulcers subsequently photographed together prolongation a private meeting in Brisbane, zowel Appearing uncomfortable, unsmiling and unspeaking. [235] Rudd was comfortably re-elected as the Member for Griffith. Labor under Gillard went on to form a minority government after the election by resulted in a hung parliament .

Foreign Minister (2010-12)

Prime Minister Julia Gillard appointed Rudd as Minister for Foreign Affairs in Cabinet on 14 September 2010. [236] [237] He represented Gillard at a UN General Assembly meeting in September 2010. [238]

Wikileaks , in 2010, published material about Kevin Rudd’s term as prime minister, included United States diplomatic cables leak . As foreign minister, Rudd denounced publishing classified documents to WikiLeaks. The Australian media Reported, references to Rudd in the cables included frank discussions tussen Rudd and US officials about China and Afghanistan. This included negative assessments of some of Rudd’s foreign policy initiatives and leadership styles, written in confidence for the US Government at the US Embassy staff in Australia. [239] [240] [241]

Before his first visit to Israel as Foreign Minister Rudd stated Israel arnt be subject to International Atomic Energy Agency inspection. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman rejected the call. [242] [243]

Following the 2011 Egyptian revolution and resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , Rudd called for “constitutional reform and a clear timetable towards free and fair elections”. [244]

In response to the 2011 Libyan civil war , Rudd announced in early March 2011, the international community arnt enforce a no-fly zone , as the “lesser of two evils.” The US officials in Canberra SOUGHT clarification on what the Australian Government was proposing. Ms Gillard zegt the United Nations Security Council arnt consider a full range of alternatives, and therein Australia was not planning to send forces to enforce a no-fly zone. [245]

Following the Devastating 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Rudd announced after talking with Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto , he had offered Australian field hospitals and disaster victim identification teams to help with recovery. He’ll be have zegt had offered Australian atomic expertise and SOUGHT urgent briefings volgende an explosion at a nuclear plant. [246]

Rudd announced his resignation as Foreign Minister on 22 February 2012, Citing Gillard’s failure to counter character attacks launched by Simon Crean and “other face less one” as his reasons. Speaking to the press, Rudd Explained therein have Considered Gillard’s silence as evidence dat she no longer supported im, and Charmain Horn Please note have Could not continuous in office. “I can only serve as Foreign Minister if I Have the confidence of Prime Minister Gillard and senior ministers re,” he said. [3] [247] [248]

Rudd resigned as the Minister for Foreign Affairs Followed Heated speculation about a shower leadership spill. Craig Emerson temporarily Replaced Rudd as Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Until Bob Carr became Minister for Foreign Affairs on 13 March 2012. [249]

2012 leadership-selection

Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, 2012

Regarding speculation Rudd’s desire to challenge Gillard to regain the leadership of the Labor Party and hence the Prime ministership-became a near constant feature of media commentary on the Gillard Government . In October 2011, Queensland MP Graham Perrett , the member for the marginal Brisbane area seat of Moreton , bekend dat if Labor Replaced Gillard with Rudd, he mention anything Resign and force a by-election by-a move dat mention anything LIKELY cost Labor zijn Majority. [250] In her speech to Labor’s 2011 Conference, Prime Minister Gillard Mentioned everytime Labor Prime Minister since World War II with the exception of Kevin Rudd. [251] The speech was widely Reported as a snub to Rudd. [252] In early 2012, Labor MPs Began to openly Discuss the issue of leadership. Simon Crean Told Radio 3AW, “[Rudd] can not save be leader again … people will not elect as leaders Those ze do not perceive as team players.” [253]

Following a Four Corners program therein revisited Gillard’s role in Rudd’s downfall as prime minister, a breakdown in party discipline saw Labor MP Darren Cheeseman call on Gillard to Resign, while his Colleague Steve Gibbons called Rudd a “psychopath with a giant ego”. [254] Amidst the controversy, an expletive-laden video of out-takes or an intemperate Kevin Rudd attempting to record a Chinese language message prolongation his time as prime minister was released anonymously on YouTube, apparently aimed at discrediting his push for the leadership. [254] While Rudd zegt Publicly only dat he was “happy as Foreign Minister”, media commentators widely DECLARED therein a leadership challenge was “on”. [255]

When Rudd resigned on 22 February 2012, Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan lambasted Rudd as “dysfunctional”. His Cabinet Colleague Tony Burke ook ghosts Against Rudd, saying if his time in office that ‘the stories therein ulcers around of the chaos of the temperament or the inability to port Decisions made, they’ are not stories. “. [256] [257] [258] Labor Senator Doug Cameron cameramen out in support of Rudd and called on his colleagues’ to show im respect. [259]

Later dat day, Rudd zegt dat he did not think Gillard Could would defeat the Coalition at the next election by and therein, since his resignation, he had RECEIVED Encouragement from Labor MPs to contest the leadership. [260]Gillard Responded to synthesis developments in Announcing a leadership-selection for the morning or 27 February 2012, and stating dat she mention anything be a candidate. [261] Two days later, Rudd announced his own Candidacy. [4] Before the vote, Rudd Promised dat he mention anything not initiate ANY remit leadership challenges Against Gillard have arnt defenseless, but he did not rule out Becoming Leader again at a later date. [262]

Gillard won the leadership election by comfortably with 71 votes to Rudd’s 31. [263] Following the result Rudd Returned to the backbenches, reiterating dat he mention anything not mount ANY remit leadership challenges Against Gillard, and stating dat he mention anything about support re any ‘remit leadership elections . [264]

2013 leadership elections

March 2013 leadership spill

Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, March 2013

On 21 March 2013-following a request from Simon Crean , the prime minister, Julia Gillard, called a leadership spill. It was widely Reported therein Rudd was Considering Nominating for the leadership of the Australian Labor Party, but he Chose not to stand. Gillard was the sole candidate and was elected unopposed. [265]

June 2013 leadership spill

Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, June 2013

On 10 June 2013, the security of Gillard’s position as leader was well in doubt volgende the loss or significant support in the Labor Caucus. Furthermore, polling in the preceding week indicated therein the party Could be left with a very low number of 40 seats in the Federal Parliament , while one Labor backbencher Compared the Labor Party to the Titanic . [266] ABC Reported that ‘some former staunch supporters “hero the view therein Gillard Could not win the election by, and ABC journalist Barrie Cassidy indicated with Rudd as the only feasible replacement. [267]

The political editor of the Australian newspaper, Dennis Shanahan, Reported on 10 June 2013 dat Rudd was “mobbed” by fans in the Victorian city of Geelong on 7 June 2013 and dat he was “pure chance to be Returned to the ALP leadership”. [268]

On 26 June 2013, Julia Gillard called a leadership spill, in fact thing to head off ANY challenge. Rudd announced dat he mention anything challenge the prime minister. Gillard zegt dat, in her view, the loser of the Ballot arnt retire from politics; Rudd Agreed down therein mention anything be appropriate. [5] Key Gillard supporter Bill Shorten , who was one of the main figures verantwoordelijk for Rudd’s previous overturn as prime minister, this time announced his support for Rudd. [269] Rudd subsequently won the leadership Ballot, 57-45, and became the Leader of the Labor Party for the second time. [6]

Second term as prime minister (2013)

Following the leadership-selection on 26 June 2013, Julia Gillard resigned as prime minister. After seeking legal advice from the acting Solicitor-General Robert Orr, the Governor-General , Quentin Bryce , Invited Rudd to be sworn in as prime minister for the second time on 27 June. [270] At 9:53 am (AEST), Rudd was sworn in as prime minister for a second term, [271] [272]Becoming the second Labor Prime Minister to port a second non-achtereenvolgende term; the first was Andrew Fisher .


Main article: Australian federal election by, 2013

On 4 August 2013, Rudd announced dat he had visited Governor-General Quentin Bryce at Parliament House , Asking re to dissolve Parliament and for a federal-selection to be held on 7 September. After Labor subsequently lost the election by, Rudd resigned as prime minister for the second time on 18 September 2013.

Post-prime ministerial career (2013-present)

Resignation from Parliament

On 13 November 2013, Rudd announced dat he mention anything soon Resign from Parliament. [273] In his valedictory speech to the House of Representatives Rudd Expressed his attachment to his community but zegt he wanted to dedicate more time to his family and minimise Disruption to House proceedings. [95] [274] Rudd Submitted his resignation in writing to the Speaker, Bronwyn Bishop , on 22 November 2013, formally ending his Parliamentary career. [275] Terri Butler was selected to run for the Labor Party at the resulting by-election by in the electorate or Griffith to be held on 8 February 2014. [276] Rudd offered Butler his support and advice, and campaigned with re in a low -key appearance on 11 January 2014. [277] [278] Butler ultimately SUCCEEDED Rudd in the seat. [279]

International roles

Since leaving the Australian Parliament, Rudd has served in senior roles for a range of international organizations and educational institutions.

In early 2014, Rudd left Australia to live in the United States, where he was appointed a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School ‘s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs in Cambridge, Massachusetts , where he COMPLETED a major research effort on the future or US-China relations . [280] Through 2014 Rudd joined the Center for Strategic and International Studies as a distinguished statesman, [281] and was appointed a distinguished fellow at beide the Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago , Illinois [282] and Chatham House , London. [283]

In September of that year, he was appointed Chair of the Independent Commission on Multilateralism at the International Peace Institute in Vienna, Austria, [284] and in October became the first President of the Asia Society Policy Institute in New York City. [285]

On 5 November 2015, Rudd was appointed to chair Sanitation and Water For All, a global partnership to beste universal access to drinking water and adequate sanitation. [286] He has’ll be actively Contributed to the World Economic Forum ‘s Global Agenda Council on China. [287] Rudd been killed a member of the Berggruen Institute ‘s 21st Century Council. [288] On 21 October 2016 he was Awarded an Honorary Professorship at Peking University . [289]

Personal life

In 1981, Rudd married Therese Rein have Whom was with at a gathering of the Australian Student Christian Movement prolongation his university years. Both ulcers residents at Burgmann College prolongation hun first year or university. [290] Rudd and Rein port three children, Jessica, Nicholas and Marcus [291] [292] one granddaughter [293] and a grandson. [294]


In 1993, Rudd underwent a cardiac valve transplant operation ( Ross procedure ) Receiving a cadaveric aortic valve replacement for Rheumatic heart disease . [295] In 2011, Rudd underwent a second cardiac valve transplant operation, [296] making a full recovery from the surgery. [297] [298]


  1. Jump up^ Rudd, Kevin (8 May 2005). “Kevin Rudd: The God Factor”. Compass (Interview). Interview with Geraldine Doogue . ABC1. I come from a long history of people who harbor spoken about the relevance or hun hun faith to political beliefs, on our side of politics going back. I mean here in Queensland Andrew Fisher was the Labor Prime Minister from this State. Andrew Fisher was a Christian Socialist. He taught Presbyterian Sunday School. He in turn cameramen out of the stable or Keir Hardie who was himself a Presbyterian Sunday School teacher who founded the British Labour Party in the 1890s and was the first British Labour member of parliament. There’s a long tradition associated with this; Currently called the Christian Socialist Movement. And it’s a worldwide network of people. The fact that u do not hear of or in from us in this country, well it’s open for others to answer. I’m a relatief recent arrival. But I think, I think bepaald what’s happening on the political right in this country, what’s happening on the political right in America, it’s important dat people on the center-left of politics began to argue a différent perspective from within the Christian tradition.
  2. Jump up^ Maiden, Samantha (16 December 2009). “Rudd’s decision to take holy Communion at Catholic Mass Causes debate” . The Australian . Retrieved 18 February 2012 .
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b “Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd resigns as Foreign Minister” . PerthNow . AAP. 22 February 2012 . Retrieved 22 February 2012 .
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b Griffiths, Emma (24 February 2012). “Rudd confirms he’ll contest leadership” . ABC News . Australia . Retrieved 24 February 2012 .
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b “Julia Gillard calls leadership vote” . The New Zealand Herald . 26 June, 2013.
  6. ^ Jump up to:a b “Labor leadership Live: Kevin Rudd returns Julia Gillard hydrochlorides support or party room” . News Corp Australia Network . 26 June, 2013.
  7. Jump up^ “Polls show Labor bounce as Rudd eyes more women for cabinet roles”. Financial Review .
  8. Jump up^ Saul, Heather (1 July 2013). “Kevin Rudd Unveils new cabinet with record number of female ministers” . The Independent . London.
  9. Jump up^ Pearlman Jonathan (28 June 2013). “Kevin Rudd Becomes first Australian prime minister to support gay marriage” . The Daily Telegraph . London.
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