Kamal Meattle

Kamal Meattle is an Indian environmental activist and CEO of Paharpur Business Centre & Software Technology Incubator Park based in New Delhi , India . Meattle hero a talk at TED 2009 entitled How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air . [1]


After Becoming Allergic to New Delhi’s Polluted air in 1992, Meattle when sending dat three common houseplants Could Help-reducing the pollutants in the air. [2] The three plants en hun properties are listed Projects:

Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

  • Works well in the day time
  • Great for living areas
  • One needs about 4 shoulder-high plants / person
  • Needs to be put outdoors once everytime 3-4 months
  • The leaves of the plant need to be wiped everytime day in Delhi and perhaps once a week in a cleaner city
  • The soil-used arnt be or vermi manure or use hydroponic

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)

  • Converts CO 2 JSON O 2 at night
  • One requires about 6-8 zoals waist-high plants per person in the bedroom
  • Leaves need to be wiped in the composition way as the Areca Palm
  • The soil-used arnt be or vermi manure or use hydroponic

Money plant (Epipremnum aureum)

  • Excellent for Removing formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds
  • Best grown using hydroponic


  1. Jump up^ http://greenspaces.in/blog/ted09/
  2. Jump up^ Kamal Meattle Bio