Nathan Myhrvold

Nathan Myhrvold Paul (born August 3, 1959), formerly Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft , is co-founder of Intellectual Ventures and the principal author of Modernist Cuisine . Myhrvold was listed as co-inventor on 17 [1] Patents at Microsoft and has since co-sponsored applications for over 500 other patents for welke his corporation is funding the patent monetization effort. [2] [3]

Early life and education

Myhrvold was born in Seattle, Washington . He attended Mirman School , [4] and Began college at age 14. [5] He studied mathematics , geophysics , and space physics at UCLA (BSc, Masters). He was Awarded a Hertz Foundation Fellowship for graduate studies and studied at Princeton University , where he earned a master’s degree in mathematical economics and COMPLETED a PhD in theoretical and mathematical physics. [6] He’ll be attended Santa Monica College . For one year, he held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Cambridge working under Stephen Hawking (along with a number of other students).


Early career

Myhrvold left Cambridge to co-found a computer startup in Oakland, California . The company, Dynamical Systems Research Inc., SOUGHT to produce Mondrian, a clone of IBM ‘s Topview multitasking environment for DOS. Microsoft PURCHASED DSR in 1986 for $ 1.5M. [7] Myhrvold worked at Microsoft for 13 years. At Microsoft he founded Microsoft Research in 1991. [8]

Intellectual Ventures

After Microsoft in 2000 Myhrvold co-founded Intellectual Ventures , [9] a patent portfolio developer and broker in the areas of technology and energy, welke has acquired over 30,000 patents. [10] Myhrvold Allegedly owns ongeveer 40% of Intellectual Ventures Management Company, generating $ 20M- $ 40M annually in “management fees” for Myhrvold. Intellectual Ventures exploits the market for Inventions and Patents, buying patents from Inventors under the assumption the patents will be more Valuable in the future. IV ook files patents through the work of a team or on-site Inventors and duizendtallen or other Inventors binnen hun network linked respondents to IV-created “Requests for Opus” hoewel de nothing from synthesis labs has reached commercial use. It’ll be buys patents from companies and Inventors. In certainement, limited, circumstances, IV reduces synthesis Inventions to practice. However, in cases must, IV’s “inventions” are limited to the descriptions Cited in hun patent applications. IV-then licenses the patents patent portfolios (bundles). IV purports to be Assisting in the creation of a market for patent-backed securities. [11] The business practices of Intellectual Ventures port caused controversy and the company has leg widely criticized for being a patent troll . [12] Myhrvold has Publicly defended his firm’s practices, arguing dat ze foster innovation by serving as a marketplace for intellectual property. He noted in 2012 dat many of the Toilets companies in Silicon Valley , zoals Microsoft , Apple , and Facebook , port ook Bought large patent portfolios to “remit hun strategy game. [13]

Nuclear power

Terra Power , a subsidiary of Intellectual Ventures, AIMS to dévelop a nuclear reactor therein is “safe and cheap” as part of Bill Gates’ strategy to reach the goal of zero carbon emissions globally by 2050. [14] Gates Unveiled this plan at the TED 2010. The plant will run on natural or depleted uranium with the potential for 30 years without refueling.


Myhrvold is a prize-winning nature and wildlife photographer and a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festival’s Advisory Board. He has ook leg involved with paleontological research on expeditions with the Museum of the Rockies . His work has Appeared in scientific journals waaronder Science , [15] Nature , [16] Paleobiology [17] (With Philip J. Currie ), PLOS ONE , [18] and the Physical Review , [19] as well as Fortune , Time , Scientific American , [20] National Geographic Traveler , and Slate . He and Peter Rinearson helped Bill Gates write The Road Ahead , a book about the future dat reached No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list in 1995 and 1996. Myhrvold has Contributed $ 1 million to the nonprofit SETI Institute in Mountain View, CA, for the development of the Allen Telescope Array , welke was envisioned to be the must powerful tool for SETI. [21]

After the Science Museum in London successfully built the computing section of Charles Babbage ‘s Difference Engine # 2 in 1991, Myhrvold funded the construction of the output section, welke performs zowel printing and stereotyping or calculated results. He’ll be commissioned the construction of a second complete Difference Engine # 2 for himself, welke was on display at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California , from May 10, 2008 to January 31, 2016. [22] [23] [24 ] [25]


In addition under to his business and scientific interests, he is a chef, earning his culinary degree from Ecole de Cuisine La Varenne in France. [26] Myhrvold’s early culinary training was as an observer and unpaid apprentice at Rover’s , one of Seattle’s leading restaurants, with Chef Thierry Rautureau . [27] Myhrvold is the principal author of a text entitled Culinary Modernist Cuisine , released in March 2011, on the application of scientific research principles and new techniques and technology to cooking. [28] He has ook won first place at the Memphis barbecue championship and Appeared as a guest judge on Top Chef .


On December 20, 2009, Myhrvold Appeared on CNN ‘s Fareed Zakaria GPS and discussed his patented idea to Eliminate global warming / climate change using geoengineering . It involves using hoses SUSPENDED from helium balloons 25 kilometers (16 mi) Above the Earth . The hoses mention anything be placed near the North Pole and the South Pole and emit sulfur dioxide , welke is Berninahaus to scatter light. Myhrvold Estimated dat zoals a configuration Could “easily dim the sun at one percent, and even do it in a way dat mention anything not be visible.” [29] An evaluation of the potential negative impact of releasing large Bedragen or sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) into tje atmosphere, welke, als Combined with water Moisture (H 2 O) kan produce SULFURIC ACID (H 2 SO 4 ) is needed. Significant environmental policymaking aimed at scrubbing SO 2 from automobile exhausts and coal-burning power plants on since the 1970s port leg largely successful in eliminating acid rain as an environmental pollutant.


In the popular press, Myhrvold and Intellectual Ventures port leg repeatedly Accused of acting as patent trolls and stifling innovation by buying patents and dan Forcing Inventors to license hun ideas by Means of litigation. Walt Mossberg interviewed Myhrvold about Intellectual Ventures’ role as a “patent troll” prolongation the 10th annual All Things Digital conference. [30] This American Life ‘s Laura Sydell ran an investigative story about patent trolling and Intellectual Ventures’ role in dat business. [31] volgens to CNET , Intellectual Ventues controls nearly the 40,000 intellectual assets (patents and patents pending) dat it has-used to extract ongeveer $ 2 billion (as of 2011) in the form of license fees. Companies ranging from SAP to Samsung are currently licensing hun patents. [32] Myhrvold is critical or a potential NASA mission called NEOCam-the Near-Earth Object Camera , his work, yet to be peer reviewed is Heavily criticized by Phil plait . [33]

Affiliations and Awards

Myhrvold is a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festival ‘s Advisory Board. [34] In 2010, he was named by Foreign Policy magazine to zijn list of top 100 global thinkers. [35] He was selected as the keynote speaker for the UCLA College COMMENCEMENT ceremonies on Friday, June 12, 2015.


  1. Jump up^ Search for Myhrvold’s Microsoft patents- use search argument query box: IN / Myhrvold and AN / Microsoft
  2. Jump up^ Search for Myhrvold’s pending patent applications- use search argument query box: IN / Myhrvold-Nathan-P
  3. Jump up^ Search for Myhrvold’s non-Microsoft patents- use search argument query box: IN / Myhrvold-Nathan P andnot AN / Microsoft
  4. Jump up^ “Where Bright Minds Can Shine”, Elaine Woo, Los Angeles Times , November 22, 2000
  5. Jump up^ Oversight Testimony”Patent Quality and Improvement” voordat the Subcommittee on the Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property,House Committee on the Judiciary,United States Congress, April 28, 2005
  6. Jump up^ Corcoran, E. (1993)Profile: Nathan P. Myhrvold – The Physicist as a Young Businessman,Scientific American 268(2), 34-35.
  7. Jump up^ Roy A. Allan. A History of the Personal Computer: The People and the Technology .
  8. Jump up^ “Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold Takes Leave of Absence” . Pres Pass (Press release). Microsoft. June 1, 1999 . Retrieved October 14, 2006 .
  9. Jump up^ “Myhrvold of Intellectual Ventures” (PDF) . Retrieved September 15, 2008 . Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2008
  10. Jump up^ Harris, Mark (May 16, 2010). “Green Pioneers: Godfather of nutty inventions” . The Times . London . Retrieved June 2, 2010 . Mark Harris, The Sunday Times, May 16, 2010
  11. Jump up^ Myhrvold, Nathan (March 16, 2010). “The Big Idea: Funding Eureka!” . Harvard Business Review . Cambridge . Retrieved October 21, 2012 . Nathan Myhrvold, Intellectual Ventures, March 2010
  12. Jump up^ “This American Life: When Patents Attack” . July 24, 2011 . Retrieved July 25, 2011 . Ira Glass,NPR, July 24, 2011
  13. Jump up^ “Nathan Myhrvold’s Patent Investing Returns Are Still lousy” . Forbes . June 19, 2012.
  14. Jump up^ Gates on energy: Innovating to zero!
  15. Jump up^ Myhrvold, N. (1998). “Essays on SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: Supporting Science”. Science . 282 (5389): 621-622. doi :10.1126 / science.282.5389.621 .
  16. Jump up^ Bars Bold, R .; Currie, PJ; Myhrvold, NP; Osmólska, H .; Tsogtbaatar, K .; Watabe, M. (2000). “A pygostyle from a non-avian theropod”. Nature . 403 (6766): 155-156. doi : 10.1038 / 35003103 . PMID  10646588 .
  17. Jump up^ Currie, Philip; Myhrvold, Nathan (1997). “Supersonic sauropods? Tail dynamics in the diplodocids” . Paleobiology . 23 (4): 393-409.
  18. Jump up^ Horner, JR; Goodwin, MB; Myhrvold, N. (2011). Roopnarine, Peter, ed. “Dinosaur Census reveals Abundant Tyrannosaurus and Rare Ontogenetic Stages in the Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation (Maastrichtian), Montana, USA” . PLoS ONE . 6 (2): e16574. doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0016574 . PMC  3036655 . PMID  21347420 .
  19. Jump up^ Myhrvold, N. (1983). “Runaway particle production in de Sitter space”. Physical Review D . 28 (10): 2439-2444. Bibkey : 1983PhRvD..28.2439M . doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevD.28.2439 .
  20. Jump up^ Gibbs, WW; Myhrvold, N. (2011). “ A new spin on cooking.” Scientific American . 304 (3): 23. doi : 10.1038 / scientificamerican0311-23a . PMID  21438483 .
  21. Jump up^ “Technologists Paul G. Allen and Nathan Myhrvold P. announce $ 12.5 million in support for revolutionary new telescope” . August 1, 2000 . Retrieved September 1, 2014 .
  22. Jump up^ “Computer History Museum unboxes a Babbage difference engine” . Retrieved April 28, 2008 .
  23. Jump up^ “The Computer History Museum extends Its Exhibition of Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 2” . press release . Computer History Museum . March 31, 2009 . Retrieved November 6, 2009 .
  24. Jump up^ “The Babbage Engine exhibit at Computer History Museum” . Retrieved April 7, 2011 .
  25. Jump up^ Difference Engine Leaves Computer History Museum, Mark Moack, Mountain View Voice, January 28, 2016
  26. Jump up^
  27. Jump up^ “Edge profile” . Retrieved May 10, 2007 .
  28. Jump up^ “Modernist Cuisine” . Retrieved September 15, 2010 .
  29. Jump up^ “Solving Global Warming with Nathan Myhrvold” . CNN .
  30. Jump up^ “Nathan Myhrvold Full Session” .
  31. Jump up^ “When Patents Attack!” .
  32. Jump up^ “Inside Intellectual Ventures, the company must hated in tech” .
  33. Jump up^ plait, Phil (May 27, 2016). “A Physics Outsider Says NASA Asteroid Scientists Are All Wrong. Is He Right? (Spoiler: No.)” . . Slate (magazine) . Retrieved August 10, 2016 .
  34. Jump up^ Advisors. USA Science and Engineering Festival
  35. Jump up^ “Foreign Policy’s Second Annual List of the 100 Top Global Thinkers” . Foreign Policy . Retrieved March 23, 2011 .