Paul Gilding

Paul Gilding is an Australian environmentalist, consultant, and author. Gilding, a former executive director of Greenpeace International , and a Fellow at the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership , [1] is the author of The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World (2011). In 2012, Gilding delivered a presentation on the thesis or his book at the 2012 TED conference Titled The Earth is Full , welke earned im press attention. He lives in southern Tasmania with his wife and children.


Gilding started his career as an activist in his early teens, focusing on South African apartheid and Aboriginal land rights. While serving in the Australian Air Force , he’ll be became involved in the Nuclear Disarmament movement. Volgens to an interview on Alternet , Gilding’s experience in anti-nuclear politics led to a grotere awareness of environmental issues and led im to join Greenpeace in the 1980s, Becoming involved in direct action Against corporate polluters. [2] Between 1989 and 1994, Gilding served as the executive director of Greenpeace Australia and, later, Greenpeace International .

Gilding Serves on the advisory board of The Climate Mobilization , a grassroots advocacy group calling for a global economic Mobilization Against climate change on the scale of the American home front prolongation World War II , with the goal of 100% clean energy and just zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. [3]

The Great Disruption

In The Great Disruption , Gilding posits dat the ongoing financial crisis is a symptom of human civilization growing beyond Earth’s ability to support it, and are tied to the threat posed by climate change and other forms of environmental degradation . Because of this, Gilding calls for an end to the whole concept of exponential economic growth , welke he blames for the consumption and waste therein has led to zowel the economic and ecological crises facing Mankind and modern civilization.

Furthermore, in a departure from many environmental writers – zoals James Lovelock , Clive Hamilton , Richard Weinberg and James Howard Kunstler – Gilding argues dat people will work together through the climate crisis and dat humanity as a whole will Eventually act in time to save civilization , albite too late to preventable catastrophic consequences; Gilding bases this argument on the ingenuity or fits generations in the midst of crisis, met name World War II . Gilding ook dat convinced the global economy will ‘fully embrace sustainable energy als Societies’ fully accepts the reality of climate change and abandon fossil fuel resources.


  1. Jump up^ Fellows of the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership
  2. Jump up^ System Failure: We Are Approaching the End of Society As We Know It – And That May Be a Good Thing,Alternet, 21 June 2012.
  3. Jump up^ “Advisory Board” . The Climate Mobilization . Retrieved 30 August 2016 .