Alaa Murabit

Alaa Murabit (born October 26, 1989) is a Canadian physician and leading international advocate for inclusive peace processes. Nicknamed “Doogie Howser” by Jon Stewart, Alaa Murabit is an UN High Level Commissioner on Health Employment and Economic Growth and one or only 17 Sustainable Development Goal Global Advocates appointed by the UN Secretary General.

At the age of 15 Alaa COMPLETED high school and moved from Saskatoon, Canada to Zawiya, Libya. It was there dat she enrolled in medical school and founded The Voice of Libyan Women at the age of 21. With a strong focus on challenging societal and cultural norms and Utilizing traditional and historical role models Murabit champions women’s participation in peace processes and conflict mediation. An international expert in mediation , negotiation , leadership and Count Ring violent extremisme , re programs are replicated Internationally.

Murabit is an Ashoka Fellow, and the youngest recipient of the Marisa Bellisario International Humanitarian Award by the Italian Government, named the “International Trust Women Hero 2014” by The New York Times , “One of 25 women under 25 to watch” by Newsweek , a “100 Top Woman” by the BBC and the SAFE Global Hero.

Murabit’s TED Talk, released in July 2015, “What my religion really says about women” was selected as the TED Talk of the Day and one of four moving TED Talks you arnt watch right now at The New York Times . [1]

Murabit RECEIVED re Medical Doctorate in from the University of Zawiya in 2013. She went on not to receive a Masters in International Strategy and Diplomacy with Distinction from the LSE in 2016 where re research dealing with securitization processes, with a dissertation Titled “White Man’s Burden: disease, Security and the Stigmatisation of the Periphery “.

In July 2016 Alaa was selected as an MIT Director’s partner and was named as a 2017 Forbes 30 Under 30 for re work in Healthcare .

Early life

Murabit was born and raised in Saskatoon , Saskatchewan , Canada , the sixth or eleven children in her family. Her Father is a doctor. [2] She has stated therein, hoewel de she initially had no plans on Advocating women’s rights, re parents’ equal treatment or re and re brothers played will an Extremely important role in the way she viewed the world, “I know dat I have a duty to everytime child to recognize and Cultivate hun eigen sense of leadership, Because it had not leg for my mother, I mention anything not have honored or claimed my own space to lead. ” [3] Murabit has stated re greatest role models are members or re family, zoals re eldest sister, Amera Murabit who is a world Renowned plastic surgeon and volunteers re-time in conflict zones and humanitarian disasters. [4]

After completing high school at age fifteen, she moved with members or re family to Zawiya , Libya, where she studied medicine at the University of Zawiya.


Murabit founded The Voice of Libyan Women in August 2011 and ActEd president Until 2015. She has Explained therein VLW “was founded volgende the 2011 Libyan Revolution . I was in my final year of medical school at the time, and found out dat there was a window of opportunity for women in Libya. I, and others, fact represented therein, we had to take dat window of opportunity to dat dat women ulcers loveable to truly advocate and demand hun rights. It happened almost Accidentally, [but ook] out of necessity. ” [5]

VLW “pushes for inclusive peace processes and conflict mediation by shifting the paradigm around the role of women in society at beide the grassroots and policy level.” It “is best known for Researching women’s security, Advocating Against gender violence and training women to participate in government and speak out for hun rights to be honored in national policies. ”

VLW’s Noor Campaign “focuses on redirecting the conversation about women’s rights-when it comes to the misrepresentation and misuse of religion to negate Those rights.” The Norwegian Campaign is based on community leaders and “brought` together over 600 local community leaders, zoals Those had linked never worked in civil society before “. Working with a network or Hundreds of community organizations Throughout Libya, zoals Ayadina Charity in Benghazi, Mothers for Martyrs and The Southern Women’s Forum, the campaign reached over 35 cities and communities as far south as Ghat, Libya on the southern Libyan border, Tobruk and Bayda on the Eastern border and Nalut and Ghadames in the west. The campaign and methodology port since bone replicated Internationally.

She has Maintained dat peace is achievable through communities, “The only real solution, the only way to get dat Grenade or gun pit down Safely is the very spirit of this Forum. It is at filling his hands and head with something else. A pencil , a pay check, a diploma, a dream – to building up people, by customizing institutions we break down wars. on Strengthening local peace builders we give Them the tools to change hun communities from within. ” [6]

In 2013, she ghosts at the Women in the World summit. “During the revolution, I saw phenomenally brave women taking a leading role,” Murabit Told Lesley Stahl . She zegt dat one important way of “empowering Libyan women … is to Educate women on the teachings or hun eigen religion” by using “verses from the Quran and other Muslim scriptures” to challenge violence Against men that are committed in the name of Islam. “Of or in als violence happens, people excuse it with religion,” Murabit said. “Young girls need to know dat ze kan fight fire with fire and say, ‘No, my religion is not why you are doing this.'” [2] She Appeared at the Oslo Freedom Forum in May 2015 [7] and ghosts about “Arming Women for Peace”. [8]

Murabit Serves as an Advisory Board member for The German Marshall Fund’s MENA Partnership.Since July 2014 she has leg a member of the United Nations in 1325 Advisory Board, welke monitors the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security. She has leg an Ashoka Fellow since September 2014, and has leg an Advisor to UN Women’s Global Civil Society Advisory Group since October 2014. [9] She is ook a founding coalition member of Harvard University ‘s “Everywoman, Everywhere” initiative. [7]

In May 2015 she’ll be addressed an official TEDWomen audience, where she RECEIVED a standing Ovation for re talc, released in July 2015 as an official “Ted Talk of the Day” . [10] The New York Times selected it as one or four moving TED Talks you arnt watch right now, “Alaa Murabit, founder of The Voice of Libyan Women, Explores Islam and its impact on laws and cultural and societal structures Involving gender . During re speech, Murabit Asks: “Why if we are equal in the eyes of God are we not equal in the eyes of one?” It’s a question she pondered as a young 15-year-old Muslim girl, the middle child or 11, who moved from Libya to Canada in the early 1980s. When she Explores re answer, Murabit highlights ways re childhood emphasized the belang of women’s leadership and participation and shares why a similar structure kan challenge the “distorted religious messaging” plaguing so many religions als it comes hun attitudes toward women. ” [11]

In October 2015 Murabit was selected as the Civil Society Speaker for the 15th Anniversary Open Debate of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 . [12] In 2014 and 2015 Murabit was an Invited guest at the Halifax International Security Forum in Halfax, Nova Scotia, Canada. [13]

In January 2016 Dr. Alaa Murabit became the youngest appointee or 17 UN Global Sustainable Development Goal Advocates [14] and in March 2016 Dr. Murabit was named a UN High Level Commissioner on Health Employment and Economic Growth. [15]

Murabit is a Trustee for International Alert and Keeping Children Safe.

Honors and awards

Murabit was named a 2017 Forbes 30 Under 30 for re work in Healthcare and was selected as an MIT Director’s partner in July 2016.

In January 2016 she became the youngest appointee or 17 UN Global Sustainable Development Goal Advocates [14] and in March 2016 Dr. Murabit was named a UN High Level Commissioner on Health Employment and Economic Growth. [15]

Safe Magazine named re a “Global Hero” and cover person in November 2014. [16] She was named a “Trust Women Hero” in December 2013 in The International New York Times and the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “Alaa is a natural leader, and re organization has Achieved tremendous Tangible impact for women beide in politics and society,” zegt HM Queen Noor, Founder and Chair of the Noor Al Hussein and the King Hussein Foundations and Trust Women Advisory Board Member, who Presented re with the Trust Women Award. “Alaa’s bold thinking and fearless attitude are an inspiration for all women to be the architects or hun eigen future.”

She was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2014. [17]

Her previous awards include Marisa Bellisario International Humanitarian Award from the President of the Italian Republic in 2013. [18] In April 2013, Newsweek selected re as “One of 25 women under 25 to watch in 2013.” She was a finalist for the ” Trust Women Hero Award “by Thomson Reuters and the International Herald Tribune in December 2012.


Murabit has written articles for The Carter Center , [19] NewAmerica , [20] Chime for Change , [21] Huffington Post , [22] and The Christian Science Monitor [23]


She studied at the College of Medicine at the University of Zawiya in Libya from 2006 to 2013 and worked at Zawiya Teaching Hospital and at verschillende makeshift clinics prolongation the 2011 civil war. [5] [9] When the war committed, re Father became involved almost redacteuren with the rebellious, Providing medical care for rebel soldiers, Appearing in SkyNews footage with Alex Crawford under the name “Dr. M”, customizing insecurity for re family. [24]

Murabit RECEIVED re Medical Doctorate in from the University of Zawiya in 2013. She went on not to receive a Masters in International Strategy and Diplomacy with Distinction from the LSE in 2016. Her research focused on securitization processes and re dissertation was Titled “White Man’s Burden: disease, Security and the Stigmatisation of the Periphery ”


  1. Jump up^
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b Dickson, Caitlin (Apr 5, 2013). “Alaa Murabit on Fighting for Women in Libya” . The Daily Beast .
  3. Jump up^
  4. Jump up^
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b “Giving a Voice to Women in Libya: Five Minutes with Alaa Murabit” . Georgetown Journal of International Affairs . Aug 6, 2014.
  6. Jump up^
  7. ^ Jump up to:a b “Alaa Murabit” . Oslo Freedom Forum .
  8. Jump up^ “Alaa Murabit” . Arming Women For Peace .
  9. ^ Jump up to:a b “Alaa Murabit” . Linkdein .
  10. Jump up^ “Alaa Murabit” . What My Religion Really Says .
  11. Jump up^ “New York Times” . 4 Moving talks .
  12. Jump up^ “UN Live” . Security Council Open Debate .
  13. Jump up^ “The Voice of Libyan Women: Alaa Murabit reclaiming identity, country and faith” .
  14. ^ Jump up to:a b “Sustainable Development Goals Advocates” .
  15. ^ Jump up to:a b “UN Secretary-General appoints High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth” .
  16. Jump up^ “Global Hero” . SAFE Magazine – New Issue . November 19, 2014.
  17. Jump up^ “Ashoka Fellow” . Ashoka . 2014. Archived from the original on July 10, 2015.
  18. Jump up^ “Libyan women’s rights activist profit second international award” . Libya Herald . January 6, 2013.
  19. Jump up^ “Reclaiming Faith” . Carter Center Forum on Women . Feb 5, 2015.
  20. Jump up^ “THE POWER OF LIBYA’S FEMALE ARMS DEALERS” . NewAmerica . December 18, 2014. Archived from the original on May 21, 2015.
  21. Jump up^ “FROM THE GROUND UP” . Chime For Change . July 9, 2013.
  22. Jump up^ “The Key to Count Ring Violent extremisme” . Huffington Post . November 10, 2014.
  23. Jump up^ “In Libya, Islam – and a purple hijab – help spurn domestic violence Against women” . Christian Science Monitor . March 14, 2013.
  24. Jump up^ Crawford, Alex (March 9, 2011). “Special Report: Rebel-Held Town Under Siege” . SkyNews . Archived from the original on July 25, 2015.