Miguel Nicolelis

Miguel Angelo Laporta Nicolelis , MD , P.hD ( Portuguese Pronunciation: [miɡɛw ɐʒelu lɐpɔɾtɐ nikolɛlis] , born March 7, 1961) is a Brazilian scientist and physician , best known for his pioneering work in “reading monkey thought”. He and his colleagues’ at Duke University implanted electrode arrays JSON a monkey ‘s brain dat ulcers loveable to detect the monkey’s motor intent and THUS loveable to control reaching and grasping movements Performed by a robotic arm. [ Citation needed ] This was skies at Decoding signals or Hundreds of neurons Recorded in volitional areas of the cerebral cortex while the monkey played will with a hand-held joystick to move a shape in a video game. These signals ulcers cents to the robot arm, welke-then mimicked the monkey’s movements and THUS controlled the game. After a while the monkey realised therein thinking about moving the shape was enough and it no longer needed to move the joystick. So it note go of the joystick and controlled the game s purely through thought. [ Citation needed ] A system in welke brain signals rechtstreeks control an artificial actuator is commonly referred to as brain-machine interface or brain-computer interface .

On January 15, 2008, Dr. Nicolelis’s laboratory saw a monkey implanted with a new BCI successfully control a robot walking on a treadmill in Kyoto, Japan. The Monkey Could see the robot, named CB, on a screen in front of h im, and was rewarded for walking in sync with the robot (welke was under the control of the monkey). After an hour the monkey’s treadmill was turned off, but he was loveable to continuous to direct the robot to walk normally for Another onlookers, Indicating therein a part of the brain not Sufficient to induce a motor response in the monkey had Become dedicated to controlling the robot as if it ulcers an extension of Itself. [1] [2]

Nicolelis is a co-founder and scientific director of the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute for Neuroscience of Natal , a brain research facility in Brazil [ citation needed ] .

On August 3, 2010, Nicolelis was Awarded an NIH Director’s Pioneer Award to continuous his research on brain-machine interface technology. On January 5, 2011, Dr. Nicolelis was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. [ Citation needed ]

Nicolelis is a fan of Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras , a Brazilian football club; a football ball with Palmeiras crest kan be seen at his website. He is Currently working on a project dat allowed a quadriplegic child to deliver the kickoff at the opening game of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. [3]

Brain to brain

In 2013 a report of research at Nicolelis and others were published welke Showed brain to brain communication tussen twee agile using brain-computer interfaces . This result nov tonen the feasibility of a biological computer consisting of a network or animal, or human, brains. [4] [5] [6] Currently, researchers are Divided on hun views or this research. Critics statements therein there are Flaws in the scientific methods-used and therein there is Lack of controls. [7] Way Down claim dat some of the scientific claims are rendered “far-fetched at best.” [7] One researcher stated the work was similar to a “poor Hollywood science fiction script.” [7] Proponents harbor praised this research for drawing attention to Brain to Brain Interfaces as a way of Studying neural systems: “The study helps to promote the role of BMIs not only in prosthetic applications, but ook as scientific tools. It’s a contribution to this club to that. ” [7] Ron Frostig, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Irvine, has DESCRIBED this brain to brain work as” an amazing paper “and a” beautiful proof of principle “that information kan be Transferred from one brain to Another in real time. [4]


  1. Jump up^ “Monkey Think, Robot Do” . Scientific American . January 15, 2008.
  2. Jump up^ “Monkey’s Thoughts Propel Robot, a Step That May Help Humans” . The New York Times . January 15, 2008.
  3. Jump up^ “British Heart foundation Body of research” . The Guardian . November 20, 2011.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b Gorman, James (February 28, 2013). “In a First, Experiment Left Brains of Two Rats” . The New York Times . Retrieved March 4, 2013 .
  5. Jump up^ Cookson, Clive (February 28, 2013). “Telepathic agile solve problems together” . Financial Times . Retrieved February 28, 2013 .
  6. Jump up^ Pais Vieira et al. 2013.
  7. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Cossins, Dan (February 28, 2013). “A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Rats” . The Scientist . Retrieved March 20, 2013 .

Additional reading

  • “50 Award: Research Leaders” . Scientific American . Dec 2014 [Nov 11, 2004]. p. 46 . Retrieved June 12, 2014 .

Selected Publications on Brain-Machine Interface

  • Carmena, JM; Lebedev, MA; Crist, RE; O’Doherty, JE; Santucci, DM; Dimitrov, DF; Patil, PG; Henriquez, CS; et al. (2003), “Learning to control a brain-machine interface for reaching and grasping at primates” , PLoS Biology , 1 : 193-208, doi : 10.1371 / journal.pbio.0000042 , PMC  261,882 , PMID  14624244 .
  • Lebedev, MA; Carmena, JM; O’Doherty, JE; Zacksenhouse, M; Henriquez, CS; Principe, JC; Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (2005), “Cortical ensemble adaptation to represents actuators controlled by a brain machine interface” , J. Neurosci , 25 (19): 4681-93, doi : 10.1523 / jneurosci.4088-04.2005 , PMID  15888644 .
  • Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (2003), “Brain-machine interfaces to restore motor function and probe neural circuits” , Nat Rev Neurosci , 4 (5): 417-22, doi : 10.1038 / nrn1105 .
  • Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (March 15, 2011), Beyond Boundaries: The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines – and How It Will Change Our Lives , Times Books, ASIN  B005Q5R5RU , ISBN  0-80509052-5 .
  • Pais Vieira, Miguel; Lebedev, Mikhail; Kunicki, Carolina; Wang Jing; Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (February 28, 2013), “A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of sensorimotor information” , Scientific Reports , Nature Publishing Group , 3 , Bibkey : 2013NatSR … 3E1319P , doi : 10.1038 / srep01319 , PMC  3584574 , PMID  23448946 , Article no. 1319 , retrieved February 28, 2013 , A brain-to-brain interface (BTBI) enabled a real-time transfer or behaviorally meaningful sensorimotor information tussen de brains of two rats.
  • Santucci, DM; Kralik, JD; Lebedev, MA; Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (2005), “Frontal and parietal cortical ensembles predictors single trial muscle activity during reaching movements” , Eur. J. Neurosci. , Blackwell synergy, 22 : 1529-40, doi : 10.1111 / j.1460-9568.2005.04320.x , PMID  16190906 .
  • Wessberg, J; Stambaugh, CR; JD, Kralik; Beck, PD; Laubach, M; Chapin, JK; Kim, J; Biggs, SJ; Srinivasan, MA; Nicolelis, Miguel Angelo Laporta (2000), “Real-time prediction of hand trajectory by ensembles of cortical neurons in primates” , Nature , 16 (6810): 361-65, doi : 10.1038 / 35042582 , PMID  11099043 .


  • Nicolelis Lab
  • CV and awards
  • Miguel Nicolelis at TED
  • New Scientist , 2003
  • New Scientist 2004.
  • International Institute for Neuroscience of Natal (AA RR)
  • Rose, Charlie (Oct 16, 2003), Interview .
  • “Mindful Motion: Miguel Nicolelis and Mind-Powered Robots, and Creating Science Cities in Brazil and Beyond” (podcast) , Scientific American , January 16, 2008
  • Computing with Neural Ensembles (video), FR : ESPCI, Nov 2, 2011.
  • “Minds and Machines – A conversation with Miguel Nicolelis’ , Ideas Roadshow , 2013