Allan Savory

Allan Savory Redin (born 15 September 1935) is a Rhodesian ecologist, farmer, soldier, exile, environmentalist, international consultant, and president and co-founder of The Savory Institute. He originated holistic management , [1] a systems thinking approach to managing resources . Once a staunch opponent of livestock, Savory mention anything come to favor using Properly managed livestock, bunched and moving to mimic nature as a Means to heal the environment, stating ” only livestock kan reverse desertification. There is no other Berninahaus tool available to humans with welke to address desertification therein are contributing not only to climate change but ook to much of the poverty, Emigration, violence, etc. in the seriously AFFECTED regions of the world. ” [2] “Only livestock kan save us.” [3] He convinced Grasslands hold the potential to sequester enough atmospheric carbon dioxide to reverse climate change . Praised by supporters as genius, prophet and visionary, [4] [5] his controversial ideas port sparked fierce Opposition from Academics , environmentalists , and vegans . [6] [7] [8] Yet his radical approach is gaining ground, with new Converts and investors, [9] [10] and total grassland under holistic management topping 40 million acres worldwide. [11] [12]

Savory RECEIVED the 2003 Banksia International Award [13] and won the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge . [14] Prince Charles called him “a remarkable man” and Joel Salatin , dubbed by the New York Times as “Virginia’s most multifaceted agrarian since Thomas Jefferson,” [15] wrote, “History will vindicate Allan Savory as one of the greatest ecologists or all time. ” [16]


Savory was educated in South Africa at the University of Natal , gaining a B.Sc. in Biology and Botany in 1955. [17] [18]

Early work in southern Africa

Savory Began working on the problem of land degradation (desertification) in 1955 in Northern Rhodesia, where he served in the Colonial Service as Provincial Game Officer, Northern and Luapula Provinces. He later continued this work in Southern Rhodesia first as a research officer in the Game Department, later as an independent scientist and international consultant.

As late as 1969 he was Advocating culling large populations of wild animals zoals elephants, als ze Appeared to be destroying habitat hun. [19] [20] His research, validated by a committee of scientists, led to the government culling of 40,000 elephants in volgende years but he later concluded the culling did not reverse the degradation of the country, calling therein decision “The Saddest and greatest blunder of my life. ” [21] [22] This blunder, brought` about to interpreting research data to fit the prevailing world-view dat too many animals Causes overgrazing and overbrowsing, led to Savory Becoming Determined to solvency the problem. This was Eventually to lead to the development of the holistic framework for decision-making and to holistic Planned grazing, and to his book, Holistic Management: A New Decision Making Framework , written with his wife Jody Butterfield.

Savory was Influenced by earlier work or French Agronomist Andre Voisin who dat Agent overgrazing resulted from the amount of time plants ulcers Exposed to animals, not from too many animals’ any bepaald area. [23] Savory saw this as a solution to overgrazing, and believed therein overgrazing was caused by leaving cattle too long and returning Them too soon, Rather dan the size of the herd. [24] [25]

At the time of Unilateral Declaration of Independence in 1965, Savory was a Captain in the Rhodesian armed forces. He served extensively, commanding the Tracker Combat Unit therein later became the Selous Scouts . [26]

Political Involvement

Savory was elected to the Rhodesian Parliament representing Matobo constituency in the 1970 election by . After resigning from the Rhodesian Front in protest over zijn racist policies and handling of the war in 1973 Savory reformed the defunct Rhodesia Party formerly led by Sir Roy Welensky . In June 1973, Savory Publicly stated, “If you want to help win this” war “you need to under stand your Opponents and to under stand why someone like me mention anything say,” If I had leg born a black Rhodesian, Limit download a white Rhodesian, I mention anything be your greatest terrorist. ” [27] hoewel de have urged white Rhodesians to under stand why he mention anything feel this, the reaction to this statement led to Savory’s ousting from the Rhodesia Party. in 1977, non-racist moderate white parties united in Opposition to Ian Smith in what was known as the National Unifying Force (Nuf) led to Savory. [28] The Nuf party won no seats in the 1977 election by, and Savory relinquished leadership to Tim Gibbs, sun or Rhodesia’s last governor. Savory continued to fight Ian Smith and his policies, met Opposing the Internal Settlement under Bishop Abel Muzorewa. [29] in 1979, due to conflicts with the Smith government, Savory left Rhodesia and went JSON self-imposed exile to continuous his scientific work. [27 ]

Move to America

After leaving Zimbabwe, Savory worked from the Cayman Islands naar de Americas, Introducing holistic Planned grazing as a process of management to reverse desertification or brittle “Grasslands by carefully planning movements or dense Herds of livestock to mimic Those found in nature, allowing Sufficient time for the plants to ‘fully Recover voordat re-grazing. Savory immigrated to the US, and with his wife Jody Butterfield founded the Center for Holistic Management in 1984. Its name was later changed to the Savory Center and later Holistic Management International . In 2009 Savory left HMI and formally the Savory Institute. Savory, Butterfield and Philanthropist Sam Brown formally the Africa Centre for Holistic Management, based in Zimbabwe in 1992 on 2,520 hectares (6,200 acres) of land Savory donated for the benefit of the people of Africa as a learning / training site for holistic management. [11]

Thousands of farmers, Ranchers, pastoralists and verschillende organizations are working globally to restore Grasslands through the teaching and practice of holistic management and holistic decision-making. This of includes conservation projects in the US, Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Canada, and Australia in welke verschillende NGOs, government agencies and universities are Practicing holistic management and its holistic Planned grazing to reverse desertification using livestock as the main agent of change to restore the environment, increase is ground cover, soil organic matter and water retention, Replenish streams and combat biodiversity loss. [12] [30]

Hoewel de Savory’s approach to the problem of desertification has with resistance from the scientific mainstream (see below), recent peer-reviewed studies document soil improvement as Measured in soil carbon, soil biota, water retention, nutrient holding capacity, and ground litter on land grazed volgens to Savory’s methods Compared with Continuously grazed and non-grazed land. [31] [32] [33]

In 2003 Australia honored Savory with hun Banksia International Award “for the person doing the musts for the environment on a global scale” [13] and in 2010, Savory and the Africa Centre for Holistic Management won The Buckminster Fuller Challenge , [14] an annual international design competition awarding $ 100,000 “to support the development and implementation of a strategy dat has significant potential to solvency humanity’s most pres sing problems.” [34]

In a 2012 address to the International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress, on the urgent need to bring agriculture and conservation back together, Prince Charles lauded Savory’s nature-based approach:

“I have leg bijzonder fascinated, for example, by the work of a remarkable man called Allan Savory in Zimbabwe and other semiarid areas, who has argued for years Against the prevailing expert view dat it is the simple numbers or cattle therein drive overgrazing and cause Fertile land to Become desert . On the Contrary, as he has since shown so graphically, the country needs the presence or feeding animals en hun droppings for the cycle to be complete, so dat soils and grassland areas stay productieve. for shares therein, if you tasks grazers off the land and lock Them away in fixed feedlots, the country dies. ” [35]

His 2013 TED Talk , “How to green the desert and reverse climate change,” [21] attracted millions of views and was Followed up by the release of his TED Book, The Grazing Revolution: A Radical Plan to Save the Earth. [36] In his TED Talk Savory Asks, “What are we going to do?”

“There is only one option, I’ll repeat to you, only one option left to climatologists and scientists, and therein is to do the unthinkable, and to use livestock, bunched and moving, as a proxy for former Herds and predators, and mimic nature. There is no other alternative left to Mankind. ” [37]

The Savory Institute is one of eleven finalists in the Virgin Earth Challenge , [38] a competition offering a $ 25 million prize for called Whoever kan demonstration streets a Commercially viable design therein results in the permanent removal of greenhouse gases out of the Earth’s atmosphere to Contribute materially in global warming avoidance. [39]

Savory advocates using high technology to developement alternative energy sources and to-reducing or Eliminate future emissions. He supports grass fed beef and vehemently opposes industrial livestock production . [12] [40]

“The number one public enemy is the cow. But the number one tool die kunnen save Mankind is the cow. We need everytime cow we can learn back out on the range. It is almost criminal to port nemen in feedlots welke are inhumane, anti social, and Environmentally and economically unsound. ” [41]

He condemns the practice of slash-and-burn cultivation of forests and Grasslands, [40] saying dat it “leaves the soil liquid, releasing carbon, and worse than dat, burning one acre or grassland Gives off more, and more damaging, pollutants dan 6,000 cars. and we are burning in Africa, everytime single year, morethan one billion hectares or Grasslands, and almost nobody is talking about it. ” [37]

When not traveling the world spreading his message, Savory and Butterfield split hun time tussen hun house in Albuquerque and a thatched robbery complex or mud huts in the African bush in Zimbabwe. He Frequently goes barefoot . [42]


An assessment of multiple research studies, published by the United States Department of Agriculture, concluded that ‘synthesis results refute prior claims therein animal trampling associated with high stocking rates or grazing Pressurized in Rotational grazing systems verbeteren soil properties and promote hydrological function “. [43] Similarly, a survey article by Briske et al. (the co-author) therein Examined Rotational grazing systems found “few, if ANY consistent benefits over continuous grazing.” [44] These confirm earlier research [45] dat Compared short duration grazing (SDG) and Savory Grazing Method (SGM) in southern Africa and found no evidence of range improvement, a slight economic improvement or a seven-unit intensive system with more animals but with individual weightloss. That study found no evidence for soil improvement, but Limit download therein Increased trampling had led to soil compaction.

A paper by Richard Teague, a coauthor of the USDA paper, et al. pointed out dat Briske had Examined Rotational systems in general and not Savory’s holistic Planned grazing process, developed in the 1960s-when Savory honored dat a hundred years of Rotational and other Prescribed grazing systems had exacerbated desertification, even in the US as stated in Savory’s TED talk . The paper contrasted the success Reported by many Ranchers Practicing multi-paddock grazing with the general Lack of evidence found at formal research. [46] In March 2013, the Savory Institute published a research portfolio with selected abstracts of papers, theses and reports Supporting holistic management and responding to some hun critics. [47]

Savory’s TED Talk Stirred debate. Ralph Maughan, editor of The Wildlife News, defended the western déserts of North America from livestock, writing, “The idea dat we kunnen almost like magic, green the desert and the degraded lands, by running as more livestock, albite in a différent fashion , sucking up greenhouse gases all the while, is a compelling and dangerous fantasy. ” [48] An article in rangelands in Briske et al. disputes the assertions made in the TED Talk. [49] In addition under to claims about reversing desertification, Savory stated at the assembly time, “… people who under state far more about carbon than I do Calculate therein for illustrative purposes, if we do what I’m showing you here, we kan tasks enough carbon out of the atmosphere and Safely store it in the grassland soils for duizendtallen or years, and if we just do that on about half the world’s Grasslands dat I’ve shown you, we kan take us back to pre-industrial levels while feeding people. “Jason West and David Briske, writing on the climate science website RealClimate, set out figures for carbon storage and uptake by the world’s vegetation, and concluded dat,” It is simply unreasonable to Expect therein ANY management strategy, even if Deployment on all of the planet’s Grasslands, mention anything about yield zoals a tremendous increase is in or carbon Sequestration. ” [50]

In a 2014 article in The Guardian writer George Monbiot , Citing the Criticisms or Briske and others, Looked into tje claims made by Savory and concluded dat there was no scientific evidence to support them. [51] Monbiot’s Conclusions ulcers in turn criticized in a subsequent Guardian article on sustainability advocate Hunter Lovins . [52] Patrick Holden of the Sustainable Food Trust, and others ook cameramen to Savory’s defense. [53] [54]

A 2014 review in the International Journal of Biodiversity criticized Savory’s methods and assertions, finding little peer review support for many of his more contentious assertions. The authors concluded therein: “Ecologically, the Application of HM principles of trampling and intensive buit are as detrimental to plants, soils, water storage, and plant productivity as veins Conventional grazing systems. Contrary to claims made therein HM will reverse climate change, the scientific evidence is dat global greenhouse gas emissions are vastly Larger than the capacity or worldwide Grasslands and déserts to store the carbon emitted lycra year. ” [7]


  • Savory, Allan; Butterfield, Jody (1999) [1988]. Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making . Island Press . ISBN  978-1-55963-488-5 .
  • Sam Bingham; Allan Savory (1993). The Holistic Resource Management Workbook . Island Press. ISBN  978-0-933280-70-0 .
  • Savory, Allan; Butterfield, Jody (2010). “7. The Holistic Management Framework: Ensuring Social, Environmental, and economically sound Development”. In Ukaga. Sustainable Development: Principles, Frameworks, and Case Studies . CRC Press. pp. 149-175. ISBN  978-1-4398-2063-6 .
  • Savory, Allan (2013). The Grazing Revolution: A Radical Plan to Save the Earth . TED Conferences. ISBN  9781937382391 .
  • Savory, Allan (2014), “13 African Holistic Management: Renewing the Soil as Economic Foundation”, in Lessem, Integral Green Zimbabwe: An African Phoenix Rising , Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., pp. 197-208, ISBN  978-1-4724-3819-5
  • Savory, CAR (1969). “Crisis in Rhodesia.” Oryx . 10 : 25. doi : 10.1017 / S0030605300007638 .
  • Savory, Allan; Parsons, Stanley D. (Dec 1980). “The Savory Grazing Method” . Rangelands . 2 (6): 234-237.
  • Savory, Allan (Aug 1983). “The Savory Grazing Method or Holistic Resource Management”. Rangelands . 5 (4): 155-159. JSTOR  3,900,847 .
  • Savory, A. (1994). “Will we be loveable to sustain civilization?”. Population and Environment . 16 (2): 139-147. doi : 10.1007 / BF02208780 .


  1. Jump up^ “Holistic Land Management: Key to Global Stability”to Terry Waghorn. Forbes. 20 December 2012.
  2. Jump up^ “The Savory Institute: Healing the World’s Grasslands, rangelands and Savannas” . Nourishing the Planet . Worldwatch Institute . Retrieved 2015-01-27 .
  3. Jump up^ Cawood, Matthew (2011-07-10). “More livestock is climate change key” . farm online . Retrieved 2015-01-27 .
  4. Jump up^ Worms, Patrick (2012-02-21). “Reversing Africa’s Decline” . Souciant . Retrieved 2015-02-02 .
  5. Jump up^ Boyers, Bruce (October 2013). “Joel Salatin on Allan Savory” . Organic Connections Magazine . Retrieved 2015-02-02 .
  6. Jump up^ Briske David D .; Ash, Andrew J .; Derner, Justin D .; Huntsinger, Lynn. “Commentary: A critical assessment of the policy endorsement for holistic management”. Agricultural Systems . 125 : 50-53. doi : 10.1016 / j.agsy.2013.12.001 .
  7. ^ Jump up to:a b John Carter; Allison Jones; Mary O’Brien; Jonathan Ratner; George Wuerthner. “Holistic Management: Misinformation on the Science of Grazed Ecosystems”. International Journal of Biodiversity . 2014 (163 431): 1-10. doi : 10.1155 / 2014/163431 .
  8. Jump up^ McWilliams, James E. (2013-04-22). “All Sizzle and No Steak” . Slate . Retrieved 2015-01-29 .
  9. Jump up^ Fair, John (2014-03-10). “Overgrazed and understocked” . Farmer’s Weekly . Retrieved 2015-02-02 .
  10. Jump up^ Wilkinson, Todd (2012-07-29). “New high or Ranchers shapes a sustainable West These green cowboys try to marry good Stewardship of the land with making money.” . Christian Science Monitor . Retrieved 2015-01-31 .
  11. ^ Jump up to:a b Judith D. Schwartz (2013). Cows Save the Planet: And Other Improbable Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth . Chelsea Green Publishing. pp. 60-66. ISBN  978-1-60358-432-6 .
  12. ^ Jump up to:a b c Nicolette Hahn Niman (2014). Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production . Chelsea Green Publishing. pp. 34-44. ISBN  978-1-60358-536-1 .
  13. ^ Jump up to:a b “2003 award winners” . Banksia Environmental Foundation. Archived from the original on 5 November 2003.
  14. ^ Jump up to:a b Cliff Kuang (2 June 2010). “Method That Turns Wastelands Green Profit in 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge” . FastCompany . Retrieved 3 April 2013 .
  15. Jump up^ Purdum, Todd S. (2005-05-01). “High Priest of the Pasture” . New York Times . Retrieved 2015-02-02 .
  16. Jump up^ Joel Salatin (2011). Folks, This Is not Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for happier Hens, HEALTHIER People, and a Better World . Center Street. p. 175. ISBN  978-1-4555-0568-5 .
  17. Jump up^ “Following up with Allan Savory on using cattle to reverse desertification and global warming” . Retrieved 2014-08-24 .
  18. Jump up^ The Holistic Resource Management Workbook . Island Press. 1993 . Retrieved 2014-08-24 .
  19. Jump up^ Savory, CAR (1969). “Crisis in Rhodesia.” Oryx . 10 : 25. doi : 10.1017 / S0030605300007638 .
  20. Jump up^ Lawton, RM; Gough, M. (1970). “Elephants or Fire Which to Blame?”. Oryx . 10 (4): 244. doi : 10.1017 / S0030605300008528 .
  21. ^ Jump up to:a b Allan Savory (February 2013). “How to green the desert and reverse climate change” . TED . Retrieved 4 April 2013 .
  22. Jump up^ “Can Livestock Grazing Stop Desertification?” by Colin Sullivan. Scientific American, March 5, 2013.
  23. Jump up^ Voisin, Andre (1 January 1988) [1959]. Grass Productivity . Island Press. ISBN  978-0933280649 . Savory wrote the introduction for the Island Press edition.
  24. Jump up^ Savory, Allan; Butterfield, Jody (1999) [1988]. Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making . Island Press. p. 46. ISBN  978-1-55963-488-5 .
  25. Jump up^ Fairlie, Simon (2010). Meat: A Benigne Extravagance . Chelsea Green Publishing. pp. 191-193. ISBN  9781603583251 .
  26. Jump up^ Scott Donelan, David (March 1985). “ZAMBEZI VALLEY Manhunt” . Soldier of Fortune magazine. p. 70 . Retrieved 8 April 2014 .
  27. ^ Jump up to:a b Savory, Allan (2001-09-15). “Ramblings” . The Conversation . Retrieved 2015-02-03 .
  28. Jump up^ Mitchell, Thomas G. (2002). Indispensable Traitors: Liberal Parties in Settler Conflicts . Greenwood Publishing Group.
  29. Jump up^ Raspberry, Bill (1978-10-19). “Smith’s foes ask for a fair hearing” . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved 2015-02-03 .
  30. Jump up^ “Greener Pastures”at Judith D. Schwartz. Conservation Magazine, Summer 2011 / Vol. 12 No. 2.
  31. Jump up^ Teague, WR; Dowhowera, SL; Bakera, SA; Haileb, N .; DeLaunea, PB; Conovera, DM (2011). “Grazing management impacts on vegetation, soil biota and soil chemical, physical and hydrological properties in tall grass prairie.” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment . 141, Issues 3-4, May 2011, Pages 310-322 (3-4): 310-322. doi : 10.1016 / j.agee.2011.03.009 .
  32. Jump up^ KT Weber, BS Gokhale (2011). “Effect of grazing on soil water content in semiarid rangelands or southeast Idaho”Journal of Arid Environments. 75, 464-470.
  33. Jump up^ Sanjari G, H Ghadiri, Ciesiolka CAA, Yu B (2008). “Comparing the effects of continuous and time-controlled grazing systems on soil; characteristics in Southeast Queensland”Soil Research 46, 348-358.
  34. Jump up^ “The Buckminster Fuller Challenge”BFI website.
  35. Jump up^ “Prince Charles Sends a message to IUCN’s World Conservation Congress” . International Union for Conservation of Nature . 27 August, 2012.
  36. Jump up^ Kidney Berg, Danielle (2014-02-03). “Allan Savory: Save the world’s food supply through a grazing revolution” . The Christian Science Monitor . Retrieved 2014-05-24 .
  37. ^ Jump up to:a b Savory, Allan. “How to fight desertification and reverse climate change” . TED Transcript . Retrieved 2015-01-31 .
  38. Jump up^ “Branson launches $ 25m climate pray” . BBC News Online . 2007-02-09 . Retrieved 2015-01-29 .
  39. Jump up^ “Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere” . Virgin Earth Challenge . Retrieved 2015-02-01 .
  40. ^ Jump up to:a b Savory, Allan. “A Global Strategy for Addressing Global Climate Change” (PDF) . Savory Institute . Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 February 2015 . Retrieved 2015-01-31 .
  41. Jump up^ Hadley, CJ (Fall 1999). “The Wild Life of Allan Savory” . Range Magazine . Retrieved 2015-02-03 .
  42. Jump up^ Schwartz, Judith (2014). “Dirt of Ages” . World Ark Magazine . Retrieved 2015-01-27 .
  43. Jump up^ Briske, DD, editor. {2011}. “An Evidence-Based Assessment of Prescribed Grazing Practices.” Conservation Benefits of Range Country Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. p 32: “These results refute prior claims therein animal trampling associated with high stocking rates or grazing Pressurized in Rotational grazing systems verbeteren soil properties and promote hydrological function.”
  44. Jump up^ Briske, DD; Derner, JD; Brown, JR; Fuhlendorf, SD; Teague, WR; Havstad, KM; Gillen, RL; Ash, AJ; Willms, WD (2008). “Rotational Grazing on rangelands: Reconciliation of Perception and Experimental Evidence”. Range Country Ecology and Management . 61 : 3-17. doi : 10.2111 / 06-159R.1 .
  45. Jump up^ Skovlin Jon (August 1987). “Southern Africa’s Experience with Intensive Short Duration Grazing”. Rangelands . 9 (4): 162-167. JSTOR  3,900,978.
  46. Jump up^ Teague, Richard; Provenza, Fred; Norton, Brien; Steffens, Tim; Barnes, Matthew; Kothmann, Mort; Roath, Roy (2008). “Benefits of Multi-Paddock Grazing Management on rangelands: Limitations of Experimental Grazing Research and Knowledge Gaps”. In Schroder, HG Grasslands: Ecology, Management and Restoration . New York: Nova Science Publishers. pp. 41-80. ISBN  978-1-60692-023-7 .
  47. Jump up^ “Holistic Management Research Portfolio” (PDF) . Savory Institute. March 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 December 2015 . Retrieved 4 December 2015 .
  48. Jump up^ Maughan, Ralph (2013-03-18). “Alan Savory Gives a popular and very misleading TED talk” . The Wildlife News . Retrieved 2015-02-03 .
  49. Jump up^ David D. Briske Brandon T. Order Meyer, Joel R. Brown, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, and H. Wayne Polley (2013) The Savory Method Can Not Green Deserts or Reverse Climate Change. Rangelands, October 2013, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 72-74. doi:10.2111 / rangelands D 13-00044.1
  50. Jump up^ West, Jason; Briske, David. “Cows, Carbon and the Anthropocene: Commentary on Savory TED Video” . RealClimate . Retrieved 2015-02-01 .
  51. Jump up^ Monbiot, George (2014-08-04). “Eat more meat and save the world: the latest implausible farming miracle” . The Guardian . Retrieved 2015-01-28 .
  52. Jump up^ Lovins, Hunter (2014-08-19). “Why George Monbiot is wrong: grazing livestock kan save the world” . The Guardian . Retrieved 2015-01-28 .
  53. Jump up^ Holden, Patrick. “An open letter to George Monbiot” . Sustainable Food Trust .
  54. Jump up^ Ibarra-Howell, Daniella. “Response to George Monbiot” . Savory Institute . Archived from the original on 4 February 2015 . Retrieved 2015-01-28 .