Charles J. Moore

Charles J. Moore is an oceanographer and racing boat captain Berninahaus for articles therein Recently brought` attention to the ” Great Pacific Garbage Patch “, [1] an area of the Pacific Ocean strewn with floating plastic debris welke is Twice the size of Texas. [2] In addition under to his work on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Moore ook Serves as science advisor to 5 Gyres , Another organization’ll be working on the garbage patch.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Main article: Great Pacific garbage patch

In 1997, while returning to Southern California after finishing the Los Angeles to Hawaii Transpac sailing race, he and his crew caught sight of trash floating in the North Pacific Gyre , one of the musts remote regions of the ocean. He wrote articles about the EXTENT of this garbage, and the effects on sea life, welke attracted significant attention in the media.

“If I gazed from the deck at the surface or what ought to port leg a pristine ocean,” Moore later wrote in an essay for Natural History, “I was Confronted, as far as the eye Could sea, with the sight of plastic. It seemed unbelievable, but I never found a clear spot. In the week it took to cross the subtropical high, no matter what time of day I Looked, plastic debris was floating everywhere: bottles, bottle caps, wrappers, Fragments. “An oceanografische Colleague or Moore’s dubbed this floating junkyard” the Great Pacific garbage Patch, “and on Despite Moore’s policymaking to suggest différent Metaphors -” a swirling sewer, “” a superhighway or trash “Connecting two” trash Cemeteries “-” garbage Patch “Appears to port stuck.

His 1999 study Showed therein there were six times more plastic in this part of the ocean dan the zooplankton dat feeds ocean life. [3] In 2002, a later study Showed therein as off the coast of California, plastic outweighed zooplankton by a factor of 5: 2. These numbers ulcers significantly hogere dan pure chance, and Shocked many oceanographers.

Algalita Marine Research Foundation

Moore is the founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation in Long Beach, California , and works Currently there.

In 2008 the Foundation organized the JUNK Raft project to “creatively raise awareness about plastic debris and pollution in the ocean”, and specifiek the Great Pacific Garbage Patch trapped in the North Pacific Gyre , by sailing 2,600 miles across the Pacific Ocean on a 30 -foot-long (9.1 m) raft made from an old Cessna 310 aircraft fuselage and six pontoons filled with 15,000 plastic bottles old. Crewed by Dr. Marcus Eriksen of the Foundation, and film-maker Joel PASCHAL, the raft set off from Long Beach, California on 1 June 2008 Arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii on 28 August 2008. On the way, they ‘watch Valuable water supplies to Ocean robber Roz Savage , turned on an environmental awareness voyage. [4] [5] [6]

The construction of the JUNK Raft Began in April 2008 and was finished in May dat year. The huge understatement taking or constructing this seaworthy raft was aided by volunteers from the educational environmental programs or Bell Elementary, Green Ambassadors, Muse Elementary, Santa Monica High School, and Westbridge School for Girls. The volunteers lent a hand in cleaning bottles, bottle caps Fastening, and stuffing Them into tje recycled Fisherman’s just pontoon platforms. [7]


  1. Jump up^ Donovan Hohn (June 22, 2008), “Sea of Trash”, New York Times
  2. Jump up^ TED (2009) Charles Moore, Oceanographer
  3. Jump up^ Charles Moore (Feb 2009), “Capt. Charles Moore on the seas of plastic” TED: Ideas worth spreading
  4. Jump up^ “A raft made of junk crosses Pacific in 3 months” . USA Today . 2008-08-28. Archived from the original on 2009-09-30 . Retrieved 2009-09-30 .
  5. Jump up^ “Raft made of junk bottles crosses Pacific” . msnbc . 2008-08-28. Archived from the original on 2009-09-30 . Retrieved 2009-09-30 .
  6. Jump up^ “Mid-ocean dinner date saves robber” . BBC News . 2008-08-20. Archived from the original on 2009-09-30 . Retrieved 2009-09-30 .
  7. Jump up^ “Students Helping To Build Junk” . Blogspot . April 2008. Archived from the original on 2010-04-14 . Retrieved 2010-04-14 .