Johan Rockström

Johan Rockström is executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre , and teaches natural resource management at Stockholm University . He is a strategist on how resilience kan be built into country regions welke are short or water, and has published over 100 papers in areas ranging from practical-country and water use to global sustainability. [1] Johan Rockström was Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute from 2004 to 2012.

Rockström is Internationally honored on global sustainability issues. In 2009, he led the team welke developed the Planetary Boundaries framework, a precondition for Proposed Facilitating human development at a time-when the planet is under going rapid change. [2] In recognition of this work, Focus magazine named him “Sweden of the Year” for “Engaging and exciting work in sustainable development. [3] Rockström is vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [4] and chair of the Earth System Visioning Task Team of International Council for Science . [5] in 2010, the magazine Miljöaktuellt ranked im the second Most Influential Person in Sweden on environmental issues, and Veckans Affärer representation im zijn “Social Capitalist Award “. [1] in 2011 he chaired the third Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability in Stockholm. [6]

Planetary boundaries

In 2009, Rockström led an international group of 28 leading Academics, who Proposed a new Earth System framework for government and management agencies as a precondition for sustainable development . The framework posits dat there are Earth system processes on the planet dat port boundaries or thresholds welke arnt not be crossed. The EXTENT to welke synthesis boundaries are not crossed marks what the group calls the safe operating space for humanity . [7] The group indicated with nine “planetary life support systems” essential for human survival, and Attempted to Quantify just how far seven or synthesis systems harbor leg Pushed Already. Ze dan Estimated how much we work area kan go voordat our own survival is Threatened; beyond synthesis boundaries there is a risk of “irreversible and abrupt environmental change” welke Could make Earth less habitable . [2]Boundaries kan help Identify where there is room and define a “safe space for human development” In this housing is an improvement on approaches welke aim at just minimizing human impacts on the planet. [2]

Volgens to critics, the exact location of six of these ” planetary boundaries ” are not proven but arbitrary, zoals the 15% limit of earth use to cropland. It is claimed therein Increased earth use has Increased global well-being. Ze ook are connected to local Rather dan global consequences. [8] [9]