Josette Sheeran

Josette Sheeran (born 1954) has leg President and CEO of the Asia Society since May 2013. [1] Previously Sheeran was Vice-President of the World Economic Forum . Sheeran Assumed dat position on the conclusion or re term at the World Food Programme. [2] She was the eleventh Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Food and Agriculture Organization Director-General Jacques Diouf in November 2006. [3] Prior to this post , she served as the United States Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs in the State Department .

On May 21, 2013, Sheeran was named [4] President and CEO of Asia Society , a global non-profit organization dedicated to Strengthening relations tussen en onder the United States and countries of Asia.

World Food Programme (WFP)

As Executive Director of WFP, Sheeran was verantwoordelijk for managing the world’s Toilets humanitarian organization with nearly the 11,000 staff worldwide. WFP zorgt emergency food aid to the world’s hungry as well as addresses the Causes of chronic hunger. The UN estimates dat there are morethan 850 million hungry and malnourished people, [5]disproportionately represented by women and children who are victims of or in or war and natural disasters; Those who do not have access to safe drinking water or sanitation; orphans and families AFFECTED by HIV / AIDS ; and schoolchildren in poor communities.

“I think we kan, in our lifetime, win the battle Against hunger Because we now harbor the science, technology, know-how and the logistics to be loveable to meet hunger where it comes,” Sheeran said. [6]

US Ambassador John Bolton , who was Told of the decision and jumped the gun on the official announcement, zegt the United States were very Pleased and called Sheeran “extraordinarily well-qualified.” [7]

Sheeran Outlined seven reasons why chronic hunger kan be Overcome and has Expressed commitment to meeting the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving hunger and poverty by 2015. [8]

“Those pictures of children with swollen bellies will be a thing of history.” [6]

The World Food Programme, founded in 1963, last year Provided food to morethan 90 million poor people in morethan 80 countries worldwide. Its annual budget was US $ 1.7 billion in 1993. [9] In 2008, it had a budget of US $ 3 billion and Employed 10,000 people in 78 countries. [10]

In April 2008, Sheeran attracted worldwide attention with a speech in London warning about an impending worldwide food crisis , welke she likened to a “silent tsunami ” [11] and lobbied the United States and other Governments to give more aid to the world’s poor. [12] In January 2009, Sheeran called on the government of Israel to allow directive more UN food aid to the people in Gaza prolongation the conflict there. [13] [14]

Under Sheeran’s leadership, WFP Increased zijn donor base to more than 100 nations – waaronder the BRIC nations as major donors and the Gulf States and brought` the private sector to one or WFP’s top donors in. She delves into place new emergency protocols dat helped the institution verbeteren zijn ability to save lives and Livelihoods in disasters and emergencies, Most recently in Haiti and Pakistan and in 2011 scaling up responses to the historic drought in the Horn of Africa.

In January 2012, Sheeran announced dat she mention anything assume the role of Vice-President of the World Economic Forum upon completing re term at WFP in 2012.

“It has a deep bone honor to serve the world in this role and to help not only save lives but to transform the face of food aid, to empower lasting hunger solutions,” zegt Sheeran. [2]

Professional experience: government sector

Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs

As Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs , Sheeran led new State Department initiatives in Supporting Central Asia’s and Afghanistan’s economic transformation and reconstruction. She was ook verantwoordelijk for a range of economic issues which include: development, trade, agriculture, finance, energy, telecommunications and transportation. She helped foster and carry out aid and development initiatives in countries like China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Sheeran ook served as the Foreign Affairs Sous-Sherpa on behalf of the President of the United States at the Group of Eight (G8) Summit. She headed a host of high-level bilateral or multilateral economic Dialogues with the European Union, China, India, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many others.

She was named by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan Along with Prime Ministers Luisa Dias Diogo , Prime Minister of Mozambique; Jens Stoltenberg , Prime Minister of Norway; and Shaukat Aziz , Prime Minister of Pakistan to the High Level Panel on System-Wide Coherence. The panel conducted Hundreds of interviews with development and humanitarian experts, non-governmental organizations and national leaders worldwide, and Compiled strategies and Recommendations for grotere management coherence and effectiveness in UN policy-making in the areas of the environment, development and humanitarian assistance.

She represented the United States at a wide variety of high-level bilateral and multilateral meetings, serving as Alternative Governor for the World Bank ; the Inter-American Development Bank ; the African Development Bank ; the Asian Development Bank ; and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development . Congress ook Confirmed re as a Member of the Board of Directors for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation .

Deputy United States Trade Representative

Prior to re tenure as Under Secretary, Sheeran served as Deputy United States Trade Representative in the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR). There, she was verantwoordelijk for Trade Negotiations and treaties in Asia and Africa, driving US policymaking to open new markets and enforce bestaande trade agreements in China, East Asia, South Asia and Africa and for advancing global Negotiations on Counterfeiting, pharmaceuticals, labor, environment and trade capacity building. One or re legacy projects were fighting global Counterfeiting, customizing STOP – Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy ‘and the protection of Intellectual Property. She helped bring to a successful conclusion the landmark US-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) , welke is pure chance to increase is US exports to Australia by $ 2 billion a year. She’ll be led trade enforcement Negotiations with China and furthered US trade and investment interests in direct talks with Japan, Korea, India and many other nations.

Professional experience: private sector


Before joining USTR, Sheeran was managing director of Starpoint Solutions, a Wall Street technology firm dat works with Fortune 500 clients. During re tenure at Starpoint she led major strategic projects with corporate leaders zoals Bank of America , Citibank and The Associated Press . Sheeran ook served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Empower America , where she developed zijn agenda of trade policy, technology policy, education reform, and tax reform.

Journalistic Experience

Sheeran got re started in journalism in 1976 with the New York News World In this housing was owned by News World Communications , an international media conglomerate owned by the Unification Church , welke she had Recently joined. She served in a number of capacities for News World , Eventually Becoming hun White House correspondent. In 1982 she moved to News World’s new sister paper, the Washington Times . Originally a features editor, she was appointed managing editor Eventually. [15] During re tenure as managing editor of the Washington Times , she Appeared as a commentator on programs zoals Nightline , Fox news , The McLaughlin Group , The Diane Rehm Show , and CNN . Sheeran ook wrote a Nationally syndicated column for Scripps Howard News Service . She has had interviews with morethan a carton heads or states in Europe , Asia , Latin America and the United States , must famously re interview with North Korean head of state Kim Il Sung . She has served as Twice a Pulitzer prize Juror.


In 1997, Washingtonian magazine named Sheeran as one of Washington’s 100 Most Powerful Women. [15] In 2011, Forbes named re the world’s 30th musts powerful woman. [16]


Inspired by late Father’s service

Her late Father, James J. Sheeran inspired re public service. As a young man, he parachuted JSON Sainte-Mere-Eglise with the 101ST Airborne Division on D-Day . [17] After returning from World War II have organized a food drive to benefit some of the villages have had helped to liberate. [18] He later served as New Jersey ‘s Insurance Commissioner [18] and as mayor of West Orange, New Jersey . A few months voordat his death, the French Ambassador decorated im with the insignia of the Legion of Honour . [19]


She earned a BA from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1976. [15]

Religious affiliations

Sheeran was raised in the Roman Catholic Church . She joined the Unification Church in 1975, [20] and in August 1975 re Father With You to “rescue” re and re two sisters (Against hun wishes) from the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York at Forcing his way in to see Them . [21] He failed, and the scuffle there led to mutual charges of assault . [18] Sheeran left the Unification Church about 1996 and joined the Episcopal Church in the United States of America . [3]


She and re former husband, Whitney Shiner, are now divorced. Way Down harbor three children.


Portions of this article ulcers oorspronkelijk tasks from Sheeran’s State Department biography, as well as from re official biography on the World Food Programme website.


  1. Jump up^ “Asia Society appoints Josette Sheeran New President” . Asia Society.
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b “WFP Executive Director Assumes Role At World Economic Forum” . World Food Programme.
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b American Diplomat Josette Sheeran selected to head UN World Food Programme, UN announces , International Herald Tribune , November 7, 2006 (Associated Press item)
  4. Jump up^ “Asia Society Names Josette Sheeran New President” . Asia Society.
  5. Jump up^ WHAT IS Hunger? World Food Programme
  6. ^ Jump up to:a b “World hunger kan end in our lifetime: UN” . Reuters in Sydney Morning Herald . Sydney, NSW, Australia: Fairfax Media Ltd. 2007-04-19 . Retrieved 2008-02-26 .
  7. Jump up^ Associated Press (2006-11-07). “US Diplomat to head UN food program” . USA Today . Retrieved 2008-02-26 .
  8. Jump up^ Sheeran, Josette (2006-10-19). “Seven Reasons Why We Can End Hunger in Our Lifetime” (PDF) . The World Food Prize. Archived from the original (PDF) on April 14, 2008 . Retrieved 2008-02-26 . # 1: Focus … # 2: Technical and Policy Revolution … # 3: Private sector … # 4: Ownership – at the individual, village and country level … # 5 Women … # 6 : Micro-credit and other innovative policy mechanisms … # 7: You. Des Moines, Iowa
  9. Jump up^ The World Food Programme at 30: fighting hunger, feeding lots – of includes statistics – United Nations developments UN Chronicle, Sept, 1993.
  10. Jump up^ Not in bread alone Arnaud said Borchgrave,UPI, April 21, 2008 “Sheeran heads a UN organization therein employs 10,000 in 78 countries with a budget of $ 3 billion therein rations food to some 80 million. OneTime Deputy US trade representative, she Pushed the global food crisis to the top of the agenda for world leaders meeting in Washington for the spring meetings of IMF and the World Bank. She has ook SUCCEEDED in making hunger the top priority for the next G8 meeting of industrialized nations in Tokyo June 7 . “
  11. Jump up^ Time
  12. Jump up^ UPI
  13. Jump up^ UN to resume aid distribution in Gaza, AFP January 10, 2009
  14. Jump up^ UN to boost food distribution in Gaza, Wall Street Journal , January 11, 2009.
  15. ^ Jump up to:a b c Rosenthal, Elisabeth (2007-08-11). “A Desire to Feed the World and Inspire Self-sufficiency” . New York Times . Retrieved 2008-02-25 .
  16. Jump up^ Josette Sheeran, Forbes , August 2011
  17. Jump up^ “James Sheeran, 84, dies; WWII hero, NJ official” (Fairy) . Washington Times . 2007-07-18 . Retrieved 2008-02-26 .
  18. ^ Jump up to:a b c “Mad About Moon” . Time . Time-Life. 1975-11-10 . Retrieved 2008-02-25 .
  19. Jump up^ McCaslin, John (2007-02-02). “An American Hero” (Fairy) . Washington Times . Retrieved 2008-02-26 . I want to pay tribute on behalf of France to a great American patriot, “the ambassador zegt,” and to a sun or France.
  20. Jump up^ Moss, Bret. “Unification Sermons and Talks: The Words of the Shiner Family” . Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown, NY. Archived from the original on October 3, 2008 . Retrieved 2008-02-25 . (From an interview 23 February, then probably 1993)
  21. Jump up^ Carlton Sherwood. (1991). Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon . Regnery Publishing.